The Suckiness of Growing Older - Metabolism-Wise

I lost two pounds in a week. I'm perplexed. I worked really really hard and expected more of a drop. Back in my twenties, I'd, like, skip a meal and BAM down 5 pounds! But when you get older, your body is all like "Sucks to be you. It's going to take a lifestyle change to get that weight off. Oh, and as an extra bonus, you're gonna look like a California Raisin every morning when you wake up, you are welcome."

*Aristic rendition of me in the mornings.

But one might say, "good for you! 2 pounds is better than nothing." and while I agree with you, I also can't believe I gave up a meal of Kraft Mac and Cheese for two stinking pounds and if I hear water weight, I will hit the motherloving roof.

So I have about 6 days to fit in my dirndl so I must be veddy veddy careful these next few days. Small healthy meals and gym visits. Wish me luck!

And as an aside, I don't hate growing older, it is a luxury that many are denied (totally ripped this off Pinterest, but it is a great quote, right?).


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