Keyword Post

What up, Friday? I am so happy that it is the weekend. I kind of feel like the week flew by but I am not sure what I accomplished. I thought I would do a bit of a keyword post to summarize what has been happening in the craziness that is life right at this moment of time. Let's dance.

The Kid: Well, he is on the mend. Monday (which I wrote about) was a nightmare. Tuesday was a little better and Wednesday he definitely had perked up. Wednesday morning I stayed home with him and he was so in the midst of cabin fever that I brought in his bike and let him ride around the apartment a la Shining. I know that consistency in parenting is key but, like, whatever. I'm an adult now. I make my own rules. I will pay for this when he becomes a teenager. This morning we had another therapy session and it is quite adorable that he gets super excited to go in his own grumpy cat way. He, like his father, is not a morning person and we have the eternal fight to get him up when we actually have to go somewhere.
"Raphael, time to get up."
"Raphael, come on sweetie, time to wake up and get dressed."
"Honey, don't you want to get up and go to kindergarten?"

But when it comes to Fridays, my little Gestapo child gets excited when I say "Raphael, time to get up. Do you want to go on the bus?" short pause, eyes still closed "Bitte." Therapy was great this morning. We sat at the table and at one point he started gesturing towards the wall and saying "Lie, lie" and I assumed he was talking to the Poltergeist that lives in our apartment and obviously hitched a ride with us to therapy (more on that another time). He kept saying "Lie, lie" and the therapist and I exchanged confused looks. All I saw was a plant and a lamp. So I brought the plant over and he looked at me like I was an idiot and then he pointed to the lamp and said "Light, light" and yes, this is why I never did very well in the SAT's. Both the therapist and I finally got it (she is forgiven because she is a German speaker) and erupted into applause. I brought the lamp over and turned it on and it was a special moment. She told me that when he does say the words, we should give him the object immediately. Funny, I have tried this with words like "Chanel" and "Gucci" and it doesn't seem to work. Anyway, she is seeing great progress in his behaviour and concentration and I could not be HAPPIER!

The Rash: This has been a thorn in my side. Actually, this has been a rash allover my upper body. It started last weekend with a rash on my arms and I thought "Meh, reaction to cream." and then it spread to my stomach and I thought "Meh, reaction to detergent." and then it spread to my chest and neck and I thought "My GOD! I'm hideous! Look away!" I went to the pharmacy and because this is Austria, I was given some herbal ointment that made me smell like herbs and that didn't work. I finally got some anti-histamine cortisone somethin somethen and I am hoping it makes a difference. I am in pain. I even had to postpone my spray tan which means that I will be all like "Say hello to Whitey Mcwhite White legs, everybody!" at a super important event I will be attending on Sunday and I will be judged. Ugh. Stupid rash. Stupid itchy deforming making rash. I hate you.

Eurovision: I'm picking up my press pass tomorrow! OMG! I will probably cry happy tears when I pick it up and all the real journalists will be crying sad tears thinking to themselves "I covered the Syrian crisis, for God's sake. I interviewed Snowden. Fuck my life."  Saturday evening I will be picking up a camera from my editor. He was nice enough to show me the features at Cafe Engländer on Sunday and then we headed out into the city for me to practice. I held up the camera once we exited and I was like "Um, yeah, so, how do I turn it on?" Poor guy. I thought he was going to cry. This is going to go so well, you guys! On Sunday I have my first event where the press will be taken around the press center and as I said on Facebook, I'm going to be all in the corner being like "I carried a watermelon."

And those are most of the updates at this point. I am really looking forward to the next two weeks (inside voice screaming: WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, TOVA? FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!) and I am grateful to only be working half days (at my real job) so that I can hang out at the Stadthalle and be all cool and stuff. Stay tuned for all the Eurovision updates and make sure to check out Vienna Würstelstand for cool articles and stuff. Happy Friday!


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