Back to Normal Life

hi guys. i feel like capital letters show happiness so i will write with no capital letters because i am sad. i am emo. i am 90's goth. i am eyore. i am lidia deetz in beetlejuice. i am fairuza balk in the craft.

Just messing with you. I'm doing alright. Well, I was a little melodramatic this morning. The Husband caught me listening to the songs from last night, clutching my press pass and ugly crying. It was a combination of exhaustion and well, sadness. These two weeks have been amazing and that saying "Find something you love to do and you will never work again" or something something, finally made sense. Yesterday I got to the hall around noon and set up my stuff. I saved a seat for a friend (his husband and friends had tickets to the final) and got to work. A Norwegian woman and two men sat beside me and we chatted briefly. They were absolutely lovely and we made a pact to try and watch each other's seats because it was already packed and the show wasn't starting for another 8 hours. Around 3:30 I grabbed a taxi and headed to the 13th district. I had booked a make up appointment because I thought, why not treat myself? I asked her to make me look like Conchita without the beard and I was slightly worried I would look like a man in make up. She started and I nervously awaited the results. I have had my make up done a few times and I don't know why I always think that somehow I will end up looking like a different person; a pretty person. It's make up not magic, Tova. After 30 minutes, I took a look and I was disappointed I didn't look like a Kardashian but I have to say she did a great job! I had only booked an appointment for make up but when she saw the state of my hair (it was a monsoon yesterday, guys!) she wouldn't let me leave without fixing it. I grabbed another taxi and headed to Der Fuchs und Die Trauben for a quick dinner. Then I took another taxi (it was a monsoon yesterday, guys!) back to Stadthalle. The press hall was PACKED! I sat at my saved seat and the Norwegian woman showed up a few minutes later and did a double take. "LOOK AT YOU! YOU LOOK GREAT!" yes, she made my day and when her two co-workers showed up, they also complimented me and I made a note to thank the make up artist and maybe send her some flowers.

When my friend showed up later, I asked him to take a picture of me and when I looked at it, I realized the villagers didn't have enough pitchforks so I didn't post it. Anyway, moving on... Last night was an incredible climax to everything. Emotions were high and I was so happy to be doing what I was doing. Live tweeting and trying to be funny was stressful but it was amazing. Like I bratilly pointed out on Facebook, Graham Norton recycled most of his tweets from the semifinals and I was like "What?! For shame, Mr. Norton, for shame."

But he gets away with it because he is hilarious (I looked him up because so many friends were like HE IS THE FUNNIEST PERSON EVER AND IF YOU MEET HIM AT EUROVISION, WE WILL CUT YOU AND WEAR YOUR SKIN AS A PURSE) and well, he is Graham Norton. I spent days coming up with ideas for Tweets and watched hours and hours of rehearsals and it was all so wonderful. After all the songs had been sung, I sat back and exhaled and could not believe Eurovision was finally coming to a close. I met wonderful people and I learned so much and also realized my restraint when I didn't stand up and launch my laptop at a passing journalist when the WiFi kept dying. The energy was electric and more than once I teared up. I was proud of Austria and I thought the show was great. I wish people could have heard the songs more than once because I realized that after listening to them 3-4 times, I liked them a lot better. Is this Stockholm Syndrome? OMG, the Swedish guy won! Coincidence? I think not! The voting was tense and for a moment I thought that Russia was going to win but it wasn't to be. There was cheering and there were tears. I got choked up and a couple of TV cameras headed my way because I think they thought I was Russian and therefore disappointed by the result. Luckily a hot Russian woman in a skin tight dress a few tables down cried a little so they had their story.

I finished up around 2 a.m. and there was a party at the Euroclub but I was too exhausted. I packed up my gear, held in my tears and took one last look at the press hall. I hailed a taxi and headed home. I made myself a pizza and settled in front of my laptop and read celebrity gossip. By 3:30 a.m., I was ready to end the night. And here we are, the day after. So what's the story? First of all, I am definitely sad that it is over. Back to the grind and all that jazz (total pity party). Second of all, out of 21 days, I have had only 2 non vegan meals. The pizza last night and the lasagna for dinner tonight are currently Riverdancing in my stomach. The dairy is all James Bond while my stomach is Dr. No. "We've been expecting you Mr. Bond." and "No Mr. Bond, I expect you to DIE!" Ugh, pass the Tums.

I will be going back to veganism tomorrow. Just for a few more days or until the Frauenlauf that I am doing on Sunday. I haven't run in a week so I am probably completely screwed but I heard that there is SWAG so I will probably run like the wind. And now we come to: Third. Third, the universe decided to kick me in the tuckus for being a self-pitying fool. Tonight the Kid ate with a spoon for the first time in over a year. He used to be able to (and actually, I am sure he didn't lose the ability) use a spoon and fork like a pro. But when his language regressed, certain skills did too. We chose the path of least resistance and fed him. But we have seen such strides recently that I decided to give him the spoon today. He grasped it awkwardly but he did it! My little man ate his apple mousse by himself and I could not be prouder!!! So thank you universe for giving me some much needed perspective. So where do I go on from here? Not sure, I should probably give myself a day or two off but that is so out of character that I will probably spend tomorrow Googling "Events in Vienna in 2015 which I can cover and get a cool press pass and makes me look awesome and stuff". Yes. Good plan. Thank you again for those who followed me on Twitter and have a great night!


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