
I'm lucky. The Husband is an awesome father and is just as much involved as I am in raising our demon, I mean toddler. Yes. I said it. Demon. He is 20 months old and in the past month has gone from spirited to being possessed by spirits. It ain't all bad, he can be effing adorable and affectionate, but I pity the foo who takes anything away from him. Nuclear meltdown extraordinaire.

Yesterday morning, for no apparent reason, he had a meltdown. Rolling around on the floor and crying, in which our initial response was to ignore him and once in a while step over him. Cold hearted? No. This is just a method we're trying out. I eventually moved him into his crib so that he could continue his head spinning in relative safety. A few minutes passed and he calmed down and turned into a clingy adorable sloth. I held him for about 5 minutes and then he was all like "I'm cool, I'm cool now. You can let me down." and that was it. I get it. We all have freak outs. But my lord how a 2.5 foot tall thing can induce such fear into one's heart is impressive.

Here's my idea on how to get a confession out of criminals. You lock them in a room with a toddler and place a box of cookies just out of reach (out of reach of the suspect as well) and watch what goes down. I guarantee you will get your confession in minutes. Toddlers don't care who they have to cut to get a box of cookies.

But while I may kvetch and moan about the hardship of raising a mini Damian, I know how absolutely blessed I am to have this kid in my life. He is a joy and a bit of a mind fuck (why do you need to hold all three toothpaste tubes at the same time while running around with a toothbrush in your mouth? That's whack, kid.). But he is mine and he is no doubt going to turn into an amazing man one day... or else. Mommy loves you!


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