So I Did the Yoga...

On Sunday I couldn't drag myself to the gym so I decided to wait until naptime to try some Yoga. I'm not a stranger to Yoga. I did a course back in Toronto. I hated it. I felt judged for my lack of flexibility (for all the ballet and skating I did as a kid, I am freakishly unflexible) and I was bored and it hurt and I just didn't like it and I kept hearing "Lama stay" instead of Namaste and made a complete idiot of myself at the end of each class. Bow, "Lama stay", I'm outta here! (It wasn't until a few years later that I realized it's Namaste. The embarrassment, it burns.

For years I have avoided any type of Yoga because of my previous experience. I even have a friend who is a certified Yoga instructor who has offered to teach me a class and I'm all like "Aww hell no". I really feel that if she teaches me, some things can't be unseen and I like her and I don't want that to happen to her. But maybe, just maybe, if I keep doing Yoga-on-the-side, I might just get comfortable enough to grunt and curse and sweat in front of her. If she will offer again and she might not because I kind of was like this when she first offered.

So, on Sunday, I stole the Husband's new tablet, rolled out my new pink Yoga mat and put on my cute Yoga pants and found on Youtube a Yoga for Beginners video. Beginners my ass. I was sweating and grunting and downward-facing dogging and it was great! Here is the video I did. Yoga.I heart her. And her dog is pretty adorbs. Here is a picture of the trainer, Ali Kamenova. She wears make-up. I appreciate that. I also love her garden. I can see myself drinking wine and watching a sunset and being all tanned and stuff.

So anyway, I was super sore on Monday but it felt good and because I am a glutton for punishment, I did it again yesterday. I like that I can do it in my bedroom and that no one can judge me except for me. I can judge me. And I do. I am going to aim to do it at least 3 times a week. Currently my Jillian Michaels Yoga DVD is en route and I will try that out soon as well. And because I want to reward myself for all my working out recently, I bought myself another smoothie cup and another pair of Yoga pants. Woot! Positive reinforcement!

Another thing I am going to start is my workout jar. Every time I get a work out in, I am going to put in 1 euro into the jar. Then, when I get to 100 euros, Imma buy me something purdy. Probably some more Yoga pants. And so, wish me luck and Lama stay, my friends.


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