Silver Linings

Rah rah! Let's be awesome! Rah rah! Let's be positive! Rah rah! Where's my pina colada? Sigh. Today's post is going to be about blessings in disguise, because, why not? But first, my cousin posted a quiz "Which Mean Girls Character Are You?" and I totally did it and got Mrs. George... the cool mom. I'm totally pumped. So meeeee. Right? Right. I totally thought I would get Regina George. Oh well.
Kind of my dream life in a picture
So moving on... yesterday I found out that my fashion course has been postponed indefinitely. I am bummed because I was looking forward to being judged by people I don't know, while my palms would sweat and I would start to stutter. I lie, I was actually really looking forward to it. It was planned for next Tuesday and I know that this week would have been a write-off because I would spend hours talking to myself and evenings saying things like "I'm busy doing very very important things like looking for Lena Dunham pictures for 'what not to wear'. LEAVE ME ALONE!" The stress would be epic but now I kind of feel a little bit lost for the next few days. Meh. I guess I'll get started on the Kid's Mardi Gras decorations for his bday in a few weeks. But allow me this one kvetch: I really really wanted to tell people what to wear... siiiigh.

Now onto silver linings. I truly believe that every cloud has a silver lining. When one door closes, another one opens. Things happen for a reason. Always buy pads with wings... So when something doesn't go to plan, I'm not gutted. I'm annoyed. I'm perturbed. I might get a little pissy. But deep down I know that something better will eventually happen. Optimism foreva, yo. When I lost my job four years ago, I was devastated... But then I got knocked up and enjoyed my pregnancy with my ass firmly planted on the sofa and I didn't have to worry about maternity work clothes or accidentally eating office supplies. Win! 10 years ago the Husband didn't get a renewed visa in Canada and I was devastated. But it led to us getting married mucho quickly and me moving to this awesome city. Sometimes something bad happening leads to something amazing happening. Again, optimism yo. Now, I am not talking about tragedy. There is no silver lining there... but rather bumps in the road. Instead of feeling sorry for myself that I won't be able to talk about the importance of dressing for your body shape, I am going dust myself off and start making gold fleur de lis. And maybe, just maybe, something great will come along! And that is my thought of the day. If something doesn't go as planned, just wait. Something awesome is around the corner. I just totally stumbled upon an old bag of maple candy. Spooky.

I see the shape of a dog, a boat and a book deal.


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