And Yet Another Fieldtrip

I have to apologize that my posts of late have been very Kid-based but that's pretty much what is at the forefront of my mind. And they make for decent stories and future guilt-based rants when the Kid is older. "I walked uphill both ways on your field trips in the snow and you can't even call me once a week?". Ah. Jewish guilt. A fine type of guilt.

Yesterday was field trip numero duo. I woke the Kid up and noticed he was healthy and gung ho and with a heavy heart realized that we could not skip yet another field trip. I got the Kid dressed and the Husband noticed my discontent. I would say he is perceptive but I think the slamming of drawers and angry sighs and the middle finger giving gave me away.

"Are you alright?" he asked sweetly.
"No I am not mother loving alright! We have a trans-Siberian trek to embark on and there is snow. SNOW on the ground and I can't take the stroller. And No. I AM NOT ALRIGHT!" and then I angrily turned on my electric toothbrush to demonstrate my anger. Sidenote: brushing your teeth with an electric toothbrush angrily will take that enamel right off!

Look, I did the trip a couple of weeks ago so I know what to expect. Yet, that actually makes it harder because now I know what to expect: exhaustion.

I decided that this trip I needed to bring a security blanket - Manner Schnitten (chocolate wafers) and to put more crap in the Kid's backpack so that I had more grasping range. We made our way to the daycare and then waited about 10 minutes for the other kids to join us. Another mother introduced herself and she was super sweet and again I was touched.

The kids were all ready and off we went. The Kid walked in line and was super all the way to the tram station. Then he got pissed because he didn't want to be so far from the tram tracks so he pulled a little fit and so we stood to the side and watched as the tram came to a stop. Once on, he sat down and looked out the window and was happy as can be while I dry heaved into a paper bag. After 15 minutes we got off and then headed to another tram stop and luckily the tram was ready and waiting. We got on but this time the Kid wanted to press the damn door button over and over again. That's when the chocolate wafers appeared and I desperately Googled "Vulcan Nerve Pinch" on my phone. Another 10 minute tram ride and we made it to the park. Yaaaay!

We spent about 30 minutes there and then I decided that we would make our way back home because sans stroller, this would be an Odyssey. He had one freak out on the subway platform because I wouldn't let him "high five" the incoming train. I didn't care that people were throwing me dirty looks and instead stood and looked at the Kid and said "Go ahead, freak out. See if I care." And you know what, I really really didn't care.

We arrived back in our hood and because I was already beaten I asked if he wanted a muffin. He responded with his catchphrase "bitte" and we walked into McCafe. I bought him a blueberry muffin and he waited patiently and just pressed his face against the cake display. I was impressed with his calm manner in a new place and when he exited, I proudly passed him some of the muffin and we walked back home. It was another milestone I felt we had accomplished.

And so, my daycare integration has come to an end. It is bittersweet. Sweet that I can now work full days and not wear plaid and spandex and flats but bitter that I won't spend as much time with the Kid. I've grown the past couple of weeks in my parenting. I feel much more in control and a lot calmer. Maybe, just maybe, this Montessori integration was more for me. Deep thoughts on an early Wednesday morning. You're welcome.
Blurry because I was terrified about our field trip ahead. The shakes. Oh the shakes.


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