Friday Wrap-Up

First Friday wrap-up of 2014! I can already say that 2014 is looking alright. The Kid has been an absolute angel the past couple of days - no tantrums and lots of new words. Some of my favourites have been; puppe (doll), ziel linie (finish line), monkey and noch ein brot (another bread). This is really big for me and it is just another indication that things are going to be just fine. 2014 is also looking quite good besides my bank visit this morning.

On new year's eve the bank machine ate my card. I may or may not have sworn a lot. Anyway, this morning I had to wait for the bank to open at 9 which drives me nuts because I hate waiting. I got to the bank a little bit early and already there was a small line. Finally the doors opened and I waited for my turn. I got to the counter and explained the sitch and the guy informed I was at the wrong counter. Of course I was. Then I waited some more at the right counter and finally I got to be served by a 12 year old. I explained the sitch again:

Me: So like, my brand new bank card was eaten on the 31st by a bank machine.
Him: Which machine?
Me: I don't recall his name but it was at work.
Him: Did you cancel the card?
Me: No, that's why I am here today.
Him: So why are you here today?
Me: To cancel my card and get a new card.
Him: I'm not sure that is possible.
Me: What isn't possible?
Him: I'm not sure.
Me: What?!?!?
Him: I'll be back.
Me: (standing at the counter, checking my Facebook, blood pressure rising)

5 minutes later

Him: OK. We can do that.
Me: Do what?
Him: Cancel your card
Me: Ok and...
Him: (Silence, tumbleweed rolling by)
Me: And can I get a new card?
Him: Well, you are going to have to wait at least 2 weeks for the other bank to send your card to us. Then you will have to come in again and apply for a new card which will take at least a week.
Me: Can I just apply for a new card now?
Him: No.

Cue head explosion and death ray stare. I was too flustered to continue and I walked out of the bank in a daze. Then the rage came. I called the Husband. The Husband is used to 2-3 types of calls from me. I always text so me calling can only mean; a) someone has done something to piss me off and I am pissed b) does haenchen in English mean rabbit and dear lord have we been eating rabbit?!?!? and c) just calling to say I LOOOOVE YOU because I have had some drinks!! I looooove you, muah!

Phonecall type a is the most common and is known as the bitch-whine call. It pretty much involves me being in a rage/crying/bitching/threatening and also asking the Husband to fix it. This type of fixing could require a simple phone call or a mob hit. I am an extreme person. I watched too much Joe Pesci as a chid. So yesterday he received the bitch-whine call and today he will be calling our banker. Make him pay, honey!! Entitlement. I haz it.

And now onto the weekly stats!

Gym visits: 5
Squats: over 300
Feelings of smugness: Bazillion
Smoothies consumed: 6
Healthy dinners: 5
New words spoken by the Kid: 10
Place booked for epic bday partay in February: 1
Mardi gras bead necklaces purchased: 20
Vision journals completed: 1
Bitch-whine calls: 1
Pounds lost: Not sure, weigh in is on Sunday
Yoga mat received in the mail: 1
New Year's eves spent at home: 1
Cleaning schedule established: 1
Feelings of stress about the upcoming weeks: Bazillion
Number of times I have stopped and thought how happy I am: Lots
Pieces of paper in the Happy Jar: 1

So all in all, a pretty great week! Tomorrow I am heading to the bar to finalize the reservation for my party in February. I'm also hoping to be able to sneak in a Jillian Michael's DVD session or two. And tonight I will start clearing out the Kids room. We are also going to hide some of his toys and do a rotation every three months. He has too much crap to play with and I think he gets overwhelmed. Or else I am a I SAID NO WIRE HANGERS type of mother. Jury's still out. Happy Friday!!!


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