Getting Organized

Just about a week to go until the integration time at the new Montessori. It is going to be a rough time and quite a balancing act. Here's hoping that the Kid is down with the place within a week. Since the Husband has been off the last couple of weeks, my mornings have been a little more chill because I haven't had to wrangle the Kid and get him dressed. As of Tuesday, it's back to normal. So this weekend, I decided to get a little more organized to make my mornings go a little smoother. I made pre-packaged smoothies. Smoothies for smoother mornings. Trademark.

Anyway, this wasn't my idea so I can't take credit, dammit, but it will save me a couple of minutes in the morning and I won't have to hunt down more fresh spinach in the middle of the week.Win win.
You get your smoothie ingredients minus the yoghurt together.

A counter perfect for fondue and key parties. 

Photograph them on the hideous green 1970s counter while the Husband asks what the hell you are doing and then rolls his eyes when you say "For my blog" and then you get pissed that the Husband "can't be more supportive" . Then you make 6-7 Ziploc bags of ingredienteseses. Put them in the freezer and take a picture that looks like there may or may not be a human head hiding in there.

Pretty freaking ominous

So now in the mornings, I just have to add low fat joghurt and some water and I'm ready to go. Yay! I also decided to tackle my January cleaning goal of sorting the Kid's room. I showed no mercy and tossed a huge garbage bag of crap. And tossed/donated old clothes that don't fit him anymore. His room is so much more organized and now he can clearly see what he has to play with or to throw in a temper tantrum.

Next up: switching books and folders from the bookshelves and putting in my shoes and purses so I can see what I have and what I can throw in a temper tantrum.

Yesterday was a pretty great day. Met my friend at 6:15 for a 6 km walk and then grabbed a coffee and headed home. I purged the Kid's room. Then I headed to the bar where I'm having my bday party next month and made the final arrangements and then another friend came by to the bar for lunch and we chatted for a couple of hours and it was a blast. Then I headed home and made couscous (trying out a dish for the Montessori monthly lunches) and the Kid was like "Aw, hell no" so now I have to come up with another dish.

We put the Kid to bed and the Husband and I watched Unsolved Mysteries. It was a great day and I was able to add a couple of entries to the Happy Jar.

Today I will try and fit in a Youtube Yoga session, a hair mask, a facemask and do my nails. We'll take a walk with the Kid this morning and then hopefully he will nap. According to my cleaning schedule, I's got to vacuum and do laundry. Joy oh joy! Happy Sunday!


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