New Beauty Regime

It's early Saturday morning and I'm having a cuppa tea. In a little while I will be meeting a friend for a power walk. I had this cunning plan yesterday afternoon; I'm super busy but yet I want to meet up with friend. I want to work out too. How about friend and I meet and take power walk at 6 in the morning on a Saturday? Brilliant! So I texted her and it kind of went like this.

Me: Here's a crack pipe idea. Want to meet at 6 tomorrow morning for a walk
Her: You are a crazy person. How about 6:30 (little does she know I was originally going to say 5:45)
Me: 6:25. Have to be home by 7:30 (at that point I swear I could hear a loud sigh)
Her: Fine. 6:15.

So I have promised to buy her a coffee after the walk. She is going to murder me this morning when she sees how peppy I am. I am one of those obnoxious morning people... but it has taken training and dedication to get to this level of idiocy.

Anywho, for the past week, I have switched up my beauty regime slightly. I'm wild that way. I finally re-discovered my love for my electric toothbrush. Here's a weird thing about me. I am not lazy. I will cut out 200 paper bats and tape them to the wall. I will spend countless hours sticking crystals to a phone... but when it comes to plugging in my electric toothbrush... no, too much effort. And then as more time goes by, I start to avoid the uncharged toothbrush and then the plaque comes back and it is a vicious cycle and I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT! So, I'm back on the electric toothbrush and I love it and I'm already noticing a difference. I'm aiming for ridiculously white teeth but trying to spend as little money possible. My Crest White Strips are currently en route (I had to order them from Amazon because they are nowhere to be found in this city). Waiting. Waiting.

And then the other day, I decided to switch up my skincare regime. I'm a Nivea kind of girl. Simple, cheap... but then I'll watch some super convincing ad and I will run to the store and say TAKE ALL OF MY MONEY! And then I'll pop open the jar (always a jar) and rub it all over and then 3 days later, I will have a reaction. And then I'll cry. So when I try new products, I have to be super careful. And by careful, I mean just putting it on my face without a skin test and waiting to see if I'll end up looking like the Elephant Man. My new regime is like dis:

Neutrogena 2 in 1 (it acts like a face mask and a face wash. Magic!)
Olay cleaning wipes
Olay cleaning milk
Layer of Nivea

I've already noticed a bit of a difference in my skin... or maybe it's my natural glow after a good workout...blah blah... Anyway, a note about the milk. When I was a kid, my parents were friends with this French family who had two daughters who were close in age to me. When my brother was born, my parents sent me away (cue Lara's theme right here) and I stayed with this family. They were French and fabulous and I got to drink hot chocolate out of a bowl but only after the blasted 30 minute walk through the woods. Every night the mother would pass us cotton balls soaked in this Olay cleaning milk and instruct us to wipe it allover our faces. I thought this was the oddest thing when I was 7. But now, now I'm all like "WHY DIDN'T I CONTINUE WITH THIS?!?!?" I could have looked years younger! Kerblast. So I'm starting now with a more regimented face cleaning.. um.. regime.

Now I better put on my running shoes and head out to meet my friend who is no doubt cursing my very existence! Happy Saturday!


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