Finding your Motivation

January 2nd! I know a lot of people are choosing today to get back on the good eating and working out wagon. The 1st is usually reserved for hangovers and eating all the crap in the house so that it isn't there as of the next day. Been there done that. But I didn't do that this year. The gym didn't open until 10 yesterday so I didn't go. I only like to go at 6 in the morning because a) it isn't crowded and b) I don't feel guilty about missing time with the Kid because he is still asleep. I did go this morning and hit the cross trainer and did day 5 of my squat challenge. I hurt, but it is a good hurt. Like when you cry when you watch something schmaltzy. Side note: when I'm feeling a little down, I watch videos on Youtube of soldiers coming home and surprising their families. Oh dear lord do I blubber. It may sound a little masochistic but in fact, I find it uplifting and it kind of puts things in perspective. Gratefulformylife (insert hashtag in obnoxious manner).

So anyway, how do we find motivation to do things we really really don't want to do? We use alcohol... I mean, our minds. In the case of me, my case, my blog, my choice; I really fake it until I make it. Currently, in my mind, I have great highlights, I am thin and tanned and living a healthy lifestyle. I avoid mirrors, a lot. I spend a lot of time on my secret Pinterest board which is filled with motivating quotes and pictures of fit women and I'm probably coming across as a crazy lady right now. But this type of visual stimulation helps me mucho. It helps me to stop going to the cupboard and sneaking a Bugle. It helps me to make a conscious decision to not inhale everything that is not nailed down. But it only works if I truly take time to look at the pictures and give myself a pep talk.

Another trick is to set my alarm to the same time every morning (5:20); even weekends. I might not get up that early on Saturday and Sunday but it helps me keep a schedule. I need about 7 hours of sleep to be fully functioning so I need to be asleep by 10:20 p.m. (I'm trying to stay up past 9). When my alarm goes off, yes, I kvetch, but then I think WWMSD. What would Martha Stewart Do, and then I'm awake. Find a role model and think of them when you wake up. It helps to motivate you. My role model is terrifying so the fear of her propels me. I should probably make a WWMSD bracelet.

I'm slowly but surely starting to see that working out is a great stress buster. My big mistake last year was to use food as a stress buster. Problems at the daycare? Melted cheese will fix that! Kid having another temper tantrum? Come here chocolate! Instead, I have come to the realization that a visit to the gym in the morning is pretty therapeutic. God help me, I am starting to sound like one of those obnoxious gym people named Candy. But yes, more working out means more endorphins which means more happy hormones which means I won't cut a bitch at Spar.

Another step to motivating myself is to change my entire thought process. Easy. No, no it is not easy. It is hard. But what I know I have to do is to look at this lifestyle change and see it as a fun project. Like papier mache! I have to change my mindset and not think I am depriving myself but rather looking at myself as a project. I need to find a balance and it needs to be fun or else in a week or two, I will have constructed a human feedbag papier mache contraption filled with pringles. So I need to take it step by step and say things to myself like "Yay! Healthy eating! Smoothies! Hurray!". I'll keep you posted.

As I continue on this path, I am sure I will stumble upon other motivators and I'll let you know. Now I must get dressed and head to the bank because on New Year's Eve, the bank machine ate my bank card. I like to think that was just a little good bye gift from 2013. Jerk.


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