This week's eating plan

This morning I woke up at 4:30 and couldn't go back to sleep. I finally got up and turned on the Internet and was devastated by the attacks in Boston. It makes you realise how very precious life is and to never take for granted every second you spend with your loved ones. Every time something terrible happens I hold my son just a little bit tighter. This world is awesome but there are times that it sucks. My thoughts go out to the amazing people of Boston and I hope the scumbags who carried out these atrocious attacks are caught. Sickening.

I have to turn off the news or I will spend the day in tears and so I am distracting myself today with cleaning, Jewmba and writing. In the afternoon I will take a walk and search for solar lights for my now fabulous balcony. Holla!

Last night I made burgers on the bbq. Today I will have sushi again for lunch and for dinner I am making a veggie pizza with low fat mozz and a salad.

Tomorrow will be chicken burgers and homemade fries (sushi again for lunch).

Thursday I might be out so I am not sure what I will be consuming.

Friday I might have a date night with the Husband so I'm hoping we go for something exotic but chances are we'll end up at an Italian restaurant or pub.

Saturday I will make chicken curry for dinner and Sunday, most likely a chicken wrap from Mickey D's.

I hit the gym this morning and did 40 minutes on the cross trainer and around 1 I will Jewmba. I better see some results soon because my body, it hurts.


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