Things you Might not Know about Me

I have a few open secrets. I thought I would share because hey, I am an open book. So here we go. You have my permission to judge me on the following:

I love WWE wrestling. I was obsessed for years but never really told anyone. You have tickets? I will come. And I will buy you beer. I will wear pearls, too. The Rock will always have a place in my heart.

I love Formula One. This isn't such a secret. But it is a fact. I have watched it since I was about 13 thanks to a friend of mine. The Husband loves it too so that makes us like perfect together. I will only watch Nascar if I am drunk and know that they will show the fans. I would go to Nascar too. The fans be awesome. Love you Bubba!

I have a ridiculous crush on Eric Roberts. I know that that is wrong. I can't help it.

I am obsessed with tornados. I have been in a couple and every time there is a documentary about them, I must watch it. One of my dream holidays is to tornado chase. Dead serious. I watch the film Twister a lot as well. Helen Hunt should have worn a bra.

I can't recognize cars unless they are uber luxury brands (Porsche, Maserati, etc.). I have been in my friend's car dozens of times and I still have no idea what it looks like from the outside. It is a dark colour.

When I was 14, I was in a commercial for ice cream and it was a terrible experience. I am loud and I like to be social but I hate a lot of attention on me. I like to make people laugh so that they don't notice the extra winter weight I have put on or that my eyeliner has created a Rohrschach sketch on my cheeks. And I don't want to be famous. That makes me break out into hives. I like positive attention and I love that people read this blog, but being recognized in the street would kill me.

I love baseball. Baseball and hockey are my top sports to watch. Baseball will always remind me of late summer nights and hot dogs and Fudgesicles and Welch's Purple/Grape soda. I miss parts of my childhood.

I have never eaten a corndog. One day I will.


  1. I will forever judge you for the Eric Roberts crush! And I wouldn't believe the car think if I hadn't seen it firsthand.

  2. Eric Roberts is dreamy in that back alley skull rape way! Lurve him!


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