Monday Morning: Time to Kick Ass

Top of the morning to you all! I already feel amazing and relaxed and fit... I've been up for four hours and I am just bursting with energy. Could be the sun shining? Or the fact that I am not working? Or my new hot pink work out shirt? Who cares! I'm happy!

I hit the gym this morning at 6 and did 40 minutes on the cross trainer. Took a quick shower at home and woke the Kid up. I spent a little more time with the Kid this morning which pretty much entailed chasing him with his toothbrush and hairbrush. I brought him to daycare and tried not to feel like gefilte fish when he went running in all full of piss and vinegar without a backward glance.. To be honest, that behaviour is a lot more awesome than him hanging from the bars at the door screaming "MAMAMAMAMAMA!". So that is a win.

I headed to the supermarket and picked up groceries and then headed to the multimedia store to buy myself a Wii Zumba game (my sister has inspired me. She's a Zumba instructor now and if you are in Ottawa, drop me a line and I will pass on her information). Also, if the Husband asks, the Zumba Wii thing cost like 10 Euros. Thanks.

I just got home and made myself a healthy breakfast:

1/2 cup fresh strawberries
handful of blueberries
3 tablespoons of fat free joghurt
2 tablespoons of granola

Take that scurvy!!

Next I will finish writing this post, work on my novel (loosely based on this blog), clean, eat lunch (veggie pattie) try out the Zumba game and then meet a friend for a power walk. Later this afternoon I will chase the Kid around with a toothbrush again and then make dinner for the Husband and I (chicken fajita salad) and then I will fall into bed feeling smug, healthy and fabulous! Hip hip hooray!!


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