Pink Hair, Totally Care

Hello Monday! It was great to have a few days off of work. But I am happy to be back at it and to finally feel like I have beaten this cold. I even went for a run last night and while I only lasted 20 minutes, it felt great to be back at it. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am signing up for the Frauenlauf in May and I definitely want to beat my time from two years ago. I have been a little lazy these past couple of weeks due to the cold, so I need to kick my butt into gear... and stop having WELCOME BACK PARTIES for my old friend alcohol. Heh. I also have a lot of e-mails to catch up on as always so I need to catch up on those!This week is going to be a pretty quiet week which is good and just what I need. Tomorrow evening I am meeting someone to talk about business: I should probably wear shoulder pads and fifteen pounds of hairspray and think of good questions using words like "Capital" and terms "Return on Investment" instead of saying things like "I want to make it rain" or "Dollar dollar bills, y'all". This will be hard.

On Friday a friend is hosting his 40th birthday at the wine tavern Mayer am Pfarrplatz. Free flowing wine and a buffet? This can only end well. And I am totally trying on my dirndl in a couple of days to see if it fits because dress the part and all that. Can you tell I like a theme? Except for that one time I had to wear an elf costume at Hard Rock. That was unfortunate... Otherwise I am looking at a pretty chill week which is just what I need! Tonight, once the Kid is in bed, I hope to get some yoga in and then of course, fix my hair. Let me talk about my hair for a minute.... For lack of better term, my hair is a hot mess. I have the impulse control of a toddler hopped up on Red Bull when it comes to my hair. I have no fear, I will metaphorically throw myself off of the sofa and by that I mean... I will do whatever I have to do to make my hair do what I want it to do. Call me a Hairinaitrix. Saturday was one of those days where I decided to try something completely new: dye my hair a pastel pink. Do I have an office job? Why yes I do. Is pink hair appropriate? Absolutely. Especially because my co-workers had the opportunity to cackle at me this morning. We call that team building.

So, yes, I decided on pastel pink. I have been kind of in love with this look for years. I used to watch a German TV show about house renovations and the host had the cutest pink hair. I kind of obsessed over it for a while and then forgot about it... but of course, the trend is back and I too want to look like a Mermaid! A 36 year old chubby mermaid! I picked up two sets at the drug store: L'Oreal Ombre and the pink Colorista box. The plan was to highlight my hair to make it more blonde and then add the pink and look absolutely fabulous. There was a problem though. My hair did not get as blonde as I had hoped and instead of, you know, waiting a little while and lightening it more, this gal did not wait. I added the pink. And well...

Now I look like a Muppet. I can't say anything bad about the Colorista colour though. The parts of my hair that are blonde, picked up the pink spectacularly. And left my hair oddly very soft. If you have blonde hair or tips, I totally recommend trying it out... and it only lasts a week so why not? I will not wait a week though and have decided to go all in and go blonde. So tonight, I will be attempting this very stupid feat. Fingers crossed I have any hair left over... especially since I have booked a haircut this Saturday. Speaking of which, I just found out that a woman I met a few months ago is a hair stylist and will actually do home visits! This is everything I have ever dreamed about! I absolutely hate going into salons. I am twitchy and I get bored and I hate having to stare at myself in the mirror while wearing an incredibly unflattering plastic bib. It is the worst! So this is fantastic and it will be my first haircut in over a year! Hurray! I am so excited! And hopefully she will be able to take a few inches of dead hair off.. if, of course, I still have hair left after tonight. Stay tuned for that post. And my last little thought before I have to run, RIP Bill Paxton. I am so heart broken. I absolutely loved him and he starred in one of my all time favourite movies: Twister. I have mentioned it before but it bears repeating, I am absolutely obsessed with tornadoes and when this film came out, I was like "One day I am going to chase tornadoes." It is totally on my bucket list. That and a bikini body. Twister chasing might happen before the latter.

I hope you are all having a fabulous Monday! Keep your windows closed in case I start screaming tonight after the bleach. There is never a dull moment in this gal's life. Toodles!


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