My Little Boy is 6 and Some Big News I Can't Share Yet

My little boy is 6 today. It is hard to imagine where all the time went. I am incredibly proud of him and of how far he has come. The Kindergarten asked for some old pictures for his birthday celebration: looking through them was a combination of joy and heart break. For those of you who don't know, he has regressive autism. He reached all of the milestones and was speaking until he was about three, and then lost it all over the course of a few months. It was the darkest time of my life and the Husband and I struggled through it. People deal with grief in different ways. I dealt with it by throwing myself into work. For the past 18 months, I have been building a platform, asking for favours, staying up late and getting up early and have been working towards creating an autism center that will support families and people with autism. I work a full time job, narrowly avoid alcoholism and of course try and have fun. I dedicate many many hours to creating something that will benefit not only the Kid but many other people. I did not go into this for money, I did not go into this for praise (I find praise through other ways), I went into this to make a change. And the Kid is my inspiration for all of this.

I am not a specialist but I am a mother. And I am a mother to the most incredible little boy. He has worked so hard through therapy and has a smile on his face every day. There are times that we all struggle but the future is looking brighter. He is a kind boy and he is hilarious and goofy. And I know that so much will change over the years but the one thing that will not change is my fierce protectiveness and love for him. He has taught me to let things go and to try and control less. Everyday I am faced with challenges and I need to take a page from his book and just giggle. There are people out there who wish me ill and while that is saddening, there is nothing I can do about that but just mimic the Kid and say "A bing a bing." The best thing in the world to be is to be kind. And I will continue to live by that mantra. But I am allowed to snark and bitch once in a while because I am no Saint. So, my darling Raphael, I wish you the absolutely best best best birthday in the world! I love you more than you will ever know, you are my little shadow. And now tears.

This morning the Husband and I lit a couple of birthday candles and shoved them into a chocolate krapfen. The Kid of course somehow magically teletransported himself into our bed sometime during the night and thought he could sleep in. Au contraire, mon frere. No sleeping in on a school day. We sang Happy Birthday about 5 times until he groaned and look up, squinting at the apparent flamethrower his mother was holding. We blew out the candles and I let him get chocolate allover our bed. Of course, since it is the Kid's birthday and not mine, I had to make it all about me. I have finally succumbed to the manflu. I have been fighting it all week and finally yesterday, I could fight it no mo. I am sick and I am unhappy and I have a million things to do and as I write this, I am in bed, surrounded by narcotics and fashioning an aura of self-pity. So regal. So sexy. So where is my nose spray?

We sent the Kid to kindergarten today because they always do a great job of celebrating it. This will be his last birthday at the kindergarten and that makes me very very sad. Tonight we will set some more of  his favourite food on fire and celebrate it one more time. And then tomorrow he will wake up and will wonder why his fruit bar isn't causing him third degree burns. I used to do big birthday parties for him but I realized they just stressed him out and while most things are about making me happy, I had to accept this fact. So again, my darling Raphael, a very happy happy birthday!!!

In other news, Office Twin is coming over for dinner tomorrow. He hasn't been at work for a couple of months and I am missing trolling him. He will hopefully be back at work in a few weeks and all will be right in the world. Since he is a bit of a Marxist, I have decided to bring out the fancy gold cutlery. I told a friend at work and she was like "You totally have to wear a ball dress! Or wait, your wedding dress!!" and we cackled. Yes, this plan is coming together. I will OD on some Tylenol Severe Cold and then make the dinner table look like an episode of Downton Abbey. Muahahahaha! Twitch, Trotsky, twitch. Man, I have missed Office Twin. Otherwise this weekend is about recovering and getting my rest. And since I am heading to Salzburg on my own on Wednesday, I totally have to feel better. Can't wait!

So the big news that I can't share yet is unbelievably big! No, no I am not pregnant. No, I am keeping this nose for a little longer. No, I did not just listen to a Taylor Swift album (I totally did). No, this is bigger than all that! I want to share the news, but I cannot, but it is safe to say that this is a huge boon and boost for the Beacon Beach House. It is more than I ever expected happening and I am so absolutely blown away by it all. And I am dying to announce it but I have to wait for everything to be made official. But it is huge! When I had my meeting yesterday afternoon, I started crying and I apologized. I have been dealt some shitty hands recently but this made it all better. And I promise to shout it from the roof tops once I can! It gives me faith that there is goodness in this world and that most people are awesome. And speaking of the Beacon Beach House, here's part deux of Tova vs. The Bank! As I wrote on Wednesday, the Verein bank account has been waiting for my signature since the 1st of February. I did not know this because I was not informed. So yesterday, bringing a friend for back up because I hate all things official paperish stampy (so good I have a degree in business!), we went to the bank and the woman said "Oh, yes, the account is set up. But I can't find the paper work!" If I had a visible vein on my forehead, this is when it would start to throb. The teller went looking for the paper work and then asked me and my friend to take a seat. Another woman showed up and directed us to an office in the back. She took out the forms and asked me for my passport. I did not have my passport and the invisible vein started to throb more. She then told me that my board member who is the kassiererin also should be present with her passport. It took all of my self control to not lose my shit.

I cleared my throat and slowly said "My Kassiererin is currently vacationing in Thailand." GAHHH!!! I was so angry! This could have been sorted over 2 weeks ago and now I have to wait longer. Deep breaths. Deep breaths. But, the good news is is that it is set up and I just have to wait a little bit longer but if you know me, you will know that patience is definitely not my strength and I am raring to go! In the interim, I will focus on other things that are being planned for the Beacon Beach House and will do my best to not turn into Robert De Niro in Cape Fear.

And quickly before I fall into a narcotic-induced sleep, I wanted to mention that the monthly therapy networking evenings that I started almost a year ago, have been growing steadily and that makes me so happy. We had a wonderful turn out with amazing people last night. The networking evenings are open to any professional involved in autism and I am happy to note all the new the e-mails and messages that I am receiving from interested parties. We are building a strong community for autism in Vienna and this is awesome and what the vision has been for so long. I currently attend them as host but since I am not a therapist or a specialist, my time to exit is earlier than the others. I will posting the date for the next one soon and looking forward to it! So that is it for now. And I promise to share the news ASAP! I wish you a fabulous weekend and thank you again for all of your support over the years. A very happy birthday to my darling son, once more! Toodles!


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