The Opernball 2016 and Almost the Weekend

Last night was Vienna's 60th Opernball. I talk about it every year and kvetch that I haven't been invited. Of course I could just woman up and buy a ticket but that would just be too reasonable. I decided to Tweet from my sofa about the opening because I find myself very amusing. I also knew that very few people would be reading along save for some awesome friends. So I started the night with a couple of Tweets, building up the suspense. (The Husband sat on the other sofa and ate a Magnum ice cream)

And then I made some commentary about the red carpet

And then I fangirled a little

Some rules about the Opernball

And then I got a little impatient because this red carpet wasn't very exciting

A little constructive criticism for the interviewers. Ammirite?

A little snark. I immediately felt bad. Kind of.

And then made a political funny because I am so witty.

I also made a funny pun, in my opinion

And then the ceremony started. And PLACIDO!!


And then I made this idiotic tweet that I immediately regretted the minute I pressed "tweet:

Thanks to a friend, I now know that this WAS POSTED ON THE ORF LIVE TICKER!!! WHY?!?! I am so glad I went to private schools because this Tweet seriously highlights my class and sophistication. Why this one? WHY?!

You could have used this one:

Or even this highlarious (only in my opinion) one:

Or caused a little (fancy) gang warfare between the Science ball and the Opernball

GAH! Of course this happened. But that's ok, I got like 5 new followers yesterday so I didn't really make a social media splash. BUT STILL! Of all the Tweets you could have used, ORF, the Pavarotti one is the one you chose. Awesome. Large sigh.

I ended up going to bed just after 11 and dreamed dreams of tiaras and tulle. But life isn't boring because after work today, I will be meeting a friend for a drink. And then afterwards I will be going out for dinner for a friend's birthday. On Saturday is the partay and I have not done any decorations which is SO OUT OF character for me. But there will be a cake; maybe homemade, maybe bought. The pressure is on!

I wish you all a fabulous Friday! Ta ta!


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