Next Couple of Projects

Oh boy am I still tired. Saturday night, you know that night I acted like Lindsay Lohan? Yeah, that took it out of me. I figured that after the ball, things would be a little calmer and I now realize I was wrong so very very wrong. I love being busy but even this madness is making me a little snappy and emotional. On Sunday I consumed my weight in pizza and I made the Husband answer the door when the delivery guy came because shame. I am back to veganing for the most part and a friend and I decided to start food diaries. It's time to stop the madness and get back to better eating and less hating myself.

The thing that is so frustrating is that the way I internally talk to myself is ridiculous and I know that. I read an interesting quote the other day that somebody posted that I am paraphrasing now because I can't be assed to look it up and it is something like "If anybody talked to my kids the way I talk to myself, I would kill them." And I found that pretty amazing. And mind blowing. Will this stop me from constantly belittling myself? No. Of course not. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Yesterday I was EXHAUSTED. And I went into a bit of a panic in the afternoon because I had a week to find a location for the presentation of the Honourable Mike Lake. Some peeps had wonderful suggestions for a location and then I received an e-mail from someone I met back in the Fall and we have a fantastic place now! WOOT! There are a few things to do to prep for this event and if you are in Vienna and interested in hearing this great guy talk, please sign up on Facebook or drop me a message. I can guarantee this will be an eye opening and inspirational night. I also have to write a speech and I am having a very hard time not adding verbal hashtags and inappropriate humour.

So excited! Moving on... After work I headed to Hot Yoga because pizza. I had a class with Bine who I haven't seen in over a year. Oh, she remembered me. About 25 minutes into the class she told me to smile and then said "I hope you don't write anything mean about me!" and I shook my head "no" and then she announced to the class that my blog was hilarious and that everybody should check out Operation Tubetop. Now, I love getting attention for this blog and for my food and for... well... not sure what else. But when I get attention from 30 people while I am schwitzing and bright red and I have forgotten to take off my mascara before class and I am resembling that girl from Orphan... I want to die a little.

It was incredibly sweet of her to mention it, I just wish I wasn't surrounded by pools of sweat. In a few days is the bday party. I still haven't figured out the cake situation so there might be a lot of swearing Saturday morning in the household. Office Twin and I have to make a playlist the hour before the party starts so there might be a lot of swearing Saturday evening in the bar. Presents are definitely not required! I just want to be able to have a great time with friends and drink cheap gin and tonics just like the prophecy said. Heh.

Tonight the Husband is out so I will be sitting on the sofa and reading comments on celebrity blogs. I should actually be getting some writing work done but the lure of the Interwebs will be strong tonight. And so, the last little story topic of the day is... the Kid. While he still isn't speaking we have discovered a new emotion: offense. He was having some, how you say, digestive issues on Sunday. He was doing a funny move and I laughed at him because I am a terrible person. He stopped what he was doing and looked me straight in the eyes and looked like I had just insulted him. Which made me laugh even more and now I will have to pay for more therapy for him when he is older. It was such a withering stare and while that should never be cause for joy, it kind of was. He knew I was being a jackass and was able to show that he was offended. This was kind of a big deal... and also a sign that I am a jerk. Poor Kid.. but yay, Kid!

So with that, I wish you all a pleasant evening! Tchuss baba!


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