The Kid's Birthday

Yesterday the Kid turned 5. FIVE! Unbelievable. I'd like to say I am still losing the baby weight which means for 60 months I have been on a diet. I haven't. But it feels like it. Heh. I cannot believe my little boy is 5 and how fast it has flown by. O.K. there are days that I have to scoop him off the dining room table before he throws himself off of it and those days definitely seem to drag.. but otherwise, holy crap. HE IS FIVE! I am incredibly proud of him and so excited to see how much he has developed this past year. Sure, he still isn't speaking (well, he has brought NEIN back but he is part Austrian) but his behaviour is pretty fantastic. He is definitely more emotive and he seems a lot happier. I cannot be more grateful for the kindergarten he is in and I wish he could attend that place forever because he loves it there.

So as planned, at  6:30 in the morning, I walked in with a muffin and a candle and he didn't seem too impressed with the glare. I finally had to blow out the candle and by then he realized that the annoying source of light also had chocolate. Before he could grab it, I had to dangle it like a carrot to get him to eat it in the kitchen. He took a bite and was not impressed. Oh well, I tried. I got him dressed, put on his helmet and then we went to the kindergarten. I kissed him good bye and wished him a happy birthday and I was all emotional and stuff and I headed to work. Around 11:45, my phone rang and it was the kindergarten. My heart stopped because it is never a good thing for a daycare to call a parent in the middle of the day. And even though the last couple of calls have been awesome, I still get panicky. I answered the phone and the daycare provider told me that the Kid had just had a little birthday party, the other kids sang and apparently the Kid just was beaming the whole time. She took pictures and I cannot wait to see them. I also am wondering if today is going to be a total let down for him.

After work, I tried to find a laundry basket for him (long story) but was unsuccessful. The good news is that I had some gifts for him already and my "friends" S.R. and S.S. had given me a wrapped present and on the front it said "SORRY!" and lo and behold, it was a drum. Never fear dear friends, your kids are getting recorders for their birthdays muahahahaha. I am not above using innocent children to troll the ones I care about.

The Kid opened his gifts, shrugged and then ran around like a lunatic. I decided to bribe him to get him to sit still. After some chocolate because good parenting, I made him his current favourite meal; toast. When he wants toast, he goes to the fridge and takes out the butter, passes it to me and then guides my hand to the bread. It is kind of adorable. I made him toast and then at one point, Sia's Chandelier song came on. I love it and I love chandeliers. I took the Kid's hands and started dancing back and forth. Usually he just politely gets out of my grasp and runs away but this time he started stepping in rhythm with me. It was AMAZING! I couldn't believe it and I totally started to ugly cry. And then picked him up and spun him around. He loved that.

After our dance off, he grabbed some apple mousse and motioned that he wanted some. Since we were on a roll, I decided to hand him a spoon and let him feed himself. And he did! Oh did he do! I took a picture and lost it. He has gotten pretty comfortable using a fork but a spoon is a bit of a challenge. But the kindergarten has definitely helped with re-claiming his eating skills and it is a wonderful sight to see. UGLY TEARS FROM ME.

I could not be prouder of my little boy. And I know that he is capable of so much more. It might have been his special day but it was definitely special for me, too. So Happy Birthday my little man! I love you to the moon and back. Hope kindergarten doesn't suck for you today.


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