A New Challenge... Because Why Not?

Tomorrow is the Kid's birthday! I cannot believe he will be turning 5. The time..it has flown. We are surprising him with a chocolate muffin and a candle first thing in the morning.. just like my parents did when I was kid. We will see how he will react to seeing flame coming towards him while he is in his bed.

Tonight I had to work later and the Husband is out watching a film so I am treating myself to a face mask and an episode of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. It is one of the few nights I don't have plans and I am going to enjoy every minute of it. These next couple of weeks are going to be incredibly busy at work. And I have a few dates lined up already... including with an aunt I have never met before which is kind of exciting. Yesterday I met up with a friend to try the new Beaver Brewing Company pub located on Liechtensteinstrasse. It was actually pretty good and I tried three different beers (small ones, I have matured). I also had the vegan tomato soup as well as fries, stole some sweet potato fries from my friend, and just because I was wearing a stretchy dress, I ordered the vegan chocolate cake. Delicious.

I got home just after 8 last night and announced to the Husband that I was going to do some Yoga in the bedroom. And this has now become my new challenge because obviously I don't have enough on my plate. I have tried 30 day challenges in the past and have obviously failed seeing that I still grunt when I bend over to pick something up. But the last 3 weeks, I have re-discovered my love for Bikram and am just a little bummed that I can't do it more than twice a week because I have a full time job, a family, friends, projects, reality TV to watch. So I have decided to try and do yoga at least once a day in any way, shape or form.. even if it is only for 30 minutes, at home, watching YouTube, wearing a sweatshirt that says "Happy Hanukkah, Bitches!" Yesterday I did a 35 minute class and then this morning at 7 a.m. I went to Yogaloft. Gawd do I feel amazing afterwards! And I always say a little silent prayer that nobody I know will see me after the class... or smell me.

My sister and I were pm'ing yesterday and I was kvetching about dis and dat. And then I told her about yoga and my tentative plans. And she (who is an awesome personal trainer/entrepreneur and super mom) told me she exercises for mental health and I responded that I exercise mainly for vanity. True, I enjoy the endorphin high after a good workout, and it feels good to sweat out copious amounts of toxins (wine), but I am also quite comfortable sitting on my sofa and reading celebrity gossip (ooh, that Kanye West! He gone lost his mind!). I do get a lot of exercise but I need to start to approach it as a mental health positive side effect thingy (such a good writer, I am). And, well, I think yoga fits the bill. Now, I actually have never been a big fan of yoga. So of course I picked it for a 30 day challenge. #masochist.

While I love Bikram, I kind of am not a fan of regular yoga. The number one reason? I can't do it. I lack flexibility and ergo, I suck at it. I can't do child's pose which is pretty much the big RESTING pose... I took a yoga course back in Toronto and while I felt great after each class, I did not like the teacher and I did not feel like I was.. well.. doing it right. But I know there are incredible benefits to it and I know that it is pretty much the only time my brain isn't swirling with 101 different ideas and thoughts... mainly because I am concentrating on not dying or snapping something important... like my spleen. So it is official, yesterday I started! I will try and mix it up and do Bikram, YouTube yoga and maybe in a week or two, actually hire a yogi one afternoon to teach me how to finally do that kerblasted child's pose! I really hope I can maintain this because I have a feeling that after the 30 days, I might just become a yoga convert and then, in maybe a year, I will start posting obnoxious yoga poses. I WOULD LOVE THAT!

There you have it, my 30 day challenge! You can follow me on Instagram under TMSPATZ to see my pictures, yo! Kind of obsessed with Instagram right now. With all the filters, I can take ok pictures and look a little thinner! Best invention EVER! Oh, and before I log off, I had this dream the other night. I did not realize it was a dream when I woke up in the middle of the night in a state of pure joy. I turned to the Husband and yelled "GUESS WHAT?!?" and he groaned because this could mean absolutely anything in my world. "I GOT A BOOK DEAL! A PUBLISHER TALKED TO ME AND HE WANTS ME TO WRITE A BOOK ABOUT MEEE! AND I GET AN ADVANCE!! AND THEN, DWAYNE JOHNSON, AKA, THE ROCK, CAme up to me and said..ohhhh. Crap!" Yup, that was a rut roh moment and I kind of felt gutted because like an idiot, I believed my dream was real life. I should have known it wasn't real life because my hair was impossibly shiny and I wasn't drinking anything at a party. KERBLAST! I wish you all a fantastic evening wherever you are. I have to get an early night because I want to get a yoga session in in the morning before the Kid wakes up. Turning 5, lordy! Happy Tuesday!


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