First Session of Finance Coaching

Hello Friday! Ugh, longest week ever. This has been an insane week of meetings, later nights of working and yoga. I am pretty exhausted and I am looking forward to doing some yoga (day 12!), snuggling with the Kid and then crashing into bed. I feel like I have been going non-stop and haven't had a lot of down time. Last night I worked until 8 and then my friend and I decided that we deserved some wine and pizza and so we hopped on the ubahn and went to Fratelli's. We were shown to a table and the waiter passed us the menus and I practically barked "WE NEED WINE!" I scanned the wine list at warp speed, practically holding onto his arm to stop him from leaving and ordered a bottle of Chianti. It had been a long ass day.

I ordered a margherita pizza because that is always my pizza of choice (and yes, I realize that I am unable to handle cheese but I can't so no). We drank wine and guffawed and talked. And at one point, two burly manly men walked in, accompanied by a very pretty, very made up woman (to quote my friend S.R. "She has had a LOT of the plastic surgery"). A little while later, another very pretty woman showed up and the table of 4 was quite loud. I am not going to say where they were from but at one point, one of those rose sellers came in (the ones that go restaurant to restaurant selling roses to couples) with a huge bouquet of at least 100 roses... and the guys in the back bought ALL THE ROSES!

They needed two huge vases from the restaurant. And it was eye roll worthy. Listen, I love flowers and expressions of undying love in the form of sparkly jewelry, but this was over-the-top ostentatious. Yes, fine, I was jealous. No I wasn't. Kind of. Maybe. But the men were kind of lecherous and it seemed to be a big show and I made my friend get my coat because it was hanging right beside their table and I didn't want to accidentally roll my eyes and then get shot. These are real fears!

After the wine and the dinner, we paid and I headed home for a good night's sleep. My alarm went off at 6 a.m. and I bounced out of bed, ready to get ready for my first finance coaching to prep for the Autism center I want to set up. I pulled out my pink briefcase, put on a black dress and heels and sat nervously on the sofa for 2 hours. I got the Kid ready for kindergarten, gave him breakfast and tried not to be a nervous wreck. I am usually quite confident when I talk about myself but I had no no no idea of what to expect and whether or not the guy I was meeting with would just look at my business plan and go "Well this is just a TERRIBLE idea!" I grabbed a taxi because I have never been to the 20th District and the last thing I needed was to get lost and end up in Bratislava. Of course I was early and I made my way upstairs to the office, checked in and waited nervously. My "coach" came to the waiting room and shook my hand and he seemed really lovely. We headed to a small room and I immediately launched into my idea and took out my rough draft of a business plan and after about 20 minutes of talking at him, I apologized. I get very very excited about the center and I guess I get a little carried away sometimes. We talked and he seemed to think it was a good idea and then we discussed the next session where we will work on a business plan. He also showed me some very complicated Excel spreadsheets that are helpful to calculate costs and income and insurance and what not and so forth. It was a little overwhelming and I guess soon I will start looking for a good accountant. I also realized that I am now going to have to be on a tighter budget.

It was a great meeting and I am so blessed to be able to have this opportunity! I have some homework to do before our next session in two weeks and I am also going to try and set up a temporary website for Autism in Vienna. All in all it was a great meeting and it is starting to hit home that this can really happen and that makes me happy! Tomorrow morning I will do some hot yoga and then in the afternoon I will be having a small cosmetic procedure. Nothing major and doesn't require being put under or even given an aspirin, but they might want to because I am a total wimp. I would have a frozen smooth face if I wasn't petrified of needles. One day I will face the Botox, one day. I told one friend about what I am doing the other day and she supports me but also thinks I am nuts. I told Office Twin about it today and he thinks I am trolling him. If everything works out, I will totally talk about it in my next post. If it doesn't, you will not see my face for the next 6 months to a year. Have a fantastic Friday evening. I am ready to pass out but after I get a session of at-home yoga in. Namaste, motherlovers!


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