An Almost Great Weekend and the Week Ahead

Hello Monday! I am feeling a lot more energetic after a decent night's sleep. The Kid has been off in terms of his sleeping and last night we pretty much had an uninterrupted night of sleep Thank you Jeebus! Saturday he came to our room at least 5 times. He walks slowly towards out bed and he say "NO!" and then he goes running back to his room, yelling in his own language. It is kind of hilarious and also a little crazy making.

I stayed strong this weekend and did not go to the IAEA ball. And I am SO SO SO glad I didn't. Instead, I wore pj's, watched TV and spent some quality time with the Kid. On Saturday morning I went to Bikram and got my ass kicked by the awesome Bine. She is pretty amazing and I like that she doesn't flinch when I show up. Most people seeing me do yoga give me a look that is mostly reserved for pigeons eating crap off the sidewalk; a mix of pity and disgust. On Saturday, during one move, she told me to grab the back of my heels. I shook my head and thought "Not going to happen.", she then said "Can you grab the outside of your feet?" and again I shook my head and thought "AHAHAHA! no." and then she said "Can you grab your toes after bending your knees." and yes, success!

It was a great class and she even commented on my Instagram which was sweet of her. I kind have been toying with an idea about yoga but I will let you all know in a little while. I still have to figure out the logistics. And how to suddenly get flexible. Another project! Yaay! After Bikram, I headed home, took a shower, ran some errands and then took the Kid on a neighbourhood walk. We still use his stroller but we are reaching the point that we need to slowly wean him from it. This is going to be a challenge. Ever seen a cat willingly follow directions? Yeah. No. But it is time and I will be a nervous wreck but it will be worth it. Or not. Who knows. Raising a child with autism is tough and knowing what hill to die on is tougher. For the most part, the Kid is easy going but when it comes to some things... may God have mercy on your soul.

Speaking of which...Sunday we had our first fit in a long, long time and it was totally my fault. A fit in an autistic child is completely different from a temper tantrum. Parents try to assure me that their kids have fits too but until you have lived through one, it isn't the same. It all started in the morning when the cartoon Umizoomi came on. The Kid was obsessed with this cartoon a few years back. About 2 years ago, we finally noticed (after a few weeks because smart, we are not) that the Kid would go absolutely banana fuck crazy after watching a few minutes of this show. Since then, it has been banned. But on Sunday I was feeling lucky and decided to let him watch it when it came on. Big Mistake. HUGE!

He had a fit. And it was all hands on deck. What happens during a fit? The Kid turns into Godzilla: screaming uncontrollably and throwing everything in his path. He tries to bite and claw at us and his eyes are blank and it is absolutely the worst. My method for dealing with it is to grab a large blanket, wrap him tightly in it and put him on the ground while sitting on him and containing him. It is absolutely heart wrenching because at that moment, he is not my little boy because he has withdrawn and he can't control himself. And my heart breaks. We have been incredibly lucky that he hasn't had one in months and it was totally my fault to let him watch that show. I think that show brings a lot of terrible memories from the old daycare (and the Kid has an incredible memory) and so it triggers a fit. After about 45 minutes, he finally stopped trying to attack us and then the tears came... from both sides. He sat on my lap and hugged me for close to an hour and I told him "You are such a good boy." because this isn't his fault and I am totally angry at myself. He is usually such a jovial kid but some things set him off. This and the ubahn as well. We haven't been able to take the underground since the summer and every time we get close to an escalator or an elevator going underground, he loses it. So that's a little insight into our life with an autistic child. And to be honest, I don't regret a thing because in my opinion, he is an awesome kid and I love being his mom and I think I do an ok job most of the time... well, besides letting him watch that damn cartoon. Bad Mommy. I'm so sorry kiddo.

So that was Valentine's Day morning. Oh ha ha ha! What fun. Valentine's Day is not actually a big deal for me which is surprising because I am a high maintenance pay attention to me kind of gal. So for the most part, I wasn't too bummed about the day. And in the afternoon I met my friend D.K. for drinks at Cafe Gitarre where we laughed and laughed and drank wine. I headed home and then ordered pizza which I regret this morning but hey, it was good. This afternoon I am meeting my friend L.P. for drinks and food at the Beaver Brewing Company and then I am working later on Tuesday. Wednesday is the Kid's birthday and on Thursday I have to go first to a coffee house for a review for Vienna Wuerstelstand and then meet some friends for dinner at der Fuchs und die Trauben! Yay! Saturday I have party plans with my peeps from Vienna Wuerstelstand and then Sunday I will make friends with my sofa again.

I wish you all a fantastic week!


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