Heat Wave and Plans for This Week

Holy crap. It is hawt. So hawt. We are in the middle of another heat wave. When did I move to Florida? It is 37 Celsius out and everybody is melting. Now, Austrians aren't big fans of the air conditioning. It is getting better but still... it is rare to stumble across air conditioning and when you do, you hold on to that and never let it go. There is a real belief that drafts cause illness here. And air conditioning is considered the debil by many many people. The older ubahns are not air conditioned and the ride home from work turns into a sauna but with clothing and yet, the same amount of uncomfortable eye contact. I also spend the majority of my ubahn rides, hoping that I am not leaving a wet patch of sweat on my seat. Charming.

Now, I once read that crime soars during a heat wave so watch out Vienna, someone might take a Krone Zeitung from the wimpy plastic bag without dropping in their money. I love living in a city where safety is pretty much guaranteed. I really and truly do. Because it is hot and yuck, this morning, in a moment of madness, I decided to take a Bikram class. It has been close to 6 months since my last class and I was missing it... because memories are stupid. I showed up at 6:40, ready to get my Bikram on and a part of me was nervous and I think another part of me was drunk on fame (ref: Being mentioned in the New York Post. Sidenote: And why yes, I will be mentioning this a lot, why do you ask?). I stood in the parking lot, waiting for the door to open. I noted that I was the only one waiting and I internally I started to panic: "Oh God. I can't be the only one today. Oh God! No! That would be the WORST! I can't even touch my toes and 90 minutes of just me? I would make the instructor weep...maybe if I just back away slooow.. Oh look, someone else! Hi!" and we stood in that awkward silence as strangers often do and I was relieved that it would not be a private class in Hell. The door opened and we made our way inside. I set up my mat and waited and then more and more people started to show up and I was like "Aww, crap! Too many people. This is the worst. I am now going to embarrass myself in.front.of.everybody and nobody better put their mat too close to mine or I am going to lose it." yeah, I know. I am hard to love.

But the 90 minutes were great. I realized that I truly do love the 90 minutes of absolutely no: Internet, someone talking to me, me talking to someone.. just complete autonomy in a class full of hard bodies and great attention to detail regarding bikini lines. I actually even wore short shorts today which is a big change from my usual Bikram Amish look. After class, I ran home and showered and then got dressed for work. And then I worked and now I am home. Thrilling.

The rest of the week is going to be pretty social! Tomorrow night I am heading to der Fuchs und die Trauben to meet a new friend. We met at the not my class reunion last month and we decided to meet up which should be fun! And on Friday I am going out with some friends because one friend is acting all crazy and moving back to Australia but I know that she will miss me just too damn much and will have to move back here. I have that draw. On Saturday I am meeting up with my oldest and one of my dearest friends. I was supposed to see her in February but we were in the hospital with Kid so I couldn't meet up with her. We are meeting at... oh, you guessed it... der Fuchs and die Trauben and her sister who just had the most adorable little baby will be there. I can't wait!!! And Ken, you better have a lot gyoza ready for me because they are everything.

So that's the plan for the rest of the week. In about 15 minutes I will be frog marching the Kid to bed and then the Husband and I are going to watch Under the Tuscan Sun because we are heading to Rome next Thursday and I am about to lose my ever loving mind in excitement. And so I wish you all a wonderful evening. I also just wanted to report that since the New York Post article came out yesterday, this blog has received over 1,000 views and that is pretty spectacular! Don't worry... I won't change. I'll always be humble and modest and WHERE'S MY DAMN LATTE?! Cough.


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