Dis and Dat and Facing a Fear

Holy crap, you guys! Over 90,000 views on this blog! Incredible and thank you for your readership! It means EVERYTHING! I am absolutely exhausted this morning. The Kid woke us up at 3:45 and had a major freak out. He has had them since Sunday and they are freaking me out because they remind me of his horrible fits from a couple of years ago. The only thing I can think of is that he is having digestion issues and he cannot tell us he is in pain. It's scary to watch and I really hope that the laxative we gave him will sort him out in the short term. And I hope this is temporary because his freak outs are absolutely heart wrenching. When your kid is in pain, you are in pain. True story. Somebody hold me.

The good news is that the Husband is off this week and the Nanny is coming in the afternoons and she is amazing with him... the Kid... and maybe the Husband, too. I just pray this passes because I don't think my heart can take much more. But I will move on now because running away from my feelings is textbook me... or I end up in a pile of mush like I did yesterday afternoon after I read my dad's retirement letter. It is hard to believe that he is leaving the foreign service. My life was constantly changing; countries, friends, schools, but the one constant was the ability to say "Don't you know who my father is?!?!" Ah! Diplobrats. I am proud of my father for his tireless effort and of my mother as well. She was a trailing spouse which is actually harder, in my opinion. She found work at every posting and helped ensure we could wear Lacoste and Petit Bateau. No, seriously, I was given an amazing childhood in terms of experiences and it has formed me into the woman I am today; somewhat neurotic, flighty and a snob. Heh. But to be honest, thank you, parental units!

Last night was a fun night. I headed home after work, got changed and then the Husband and I headed out. We walked to Barnabitengasse and stopped at Konoba Feral which is a cute little Croatian restaurant. We sat on the terrace and I ordered the Feral spritzer which is a game changer. Croatian lemonade and wine? Game on! It felt like we were on holiday and then the skies opened up and we ran inside. I think we have truly fallen in love with this place. Nets on the walls and miniature boats and cheese from the island of Pag. Yup, we will be back. Then we headed over to Frascati to meet some friends for a birthday dinner. It was a great time and let me just say that the pizzas there are GINORMOUS and awesome. And the place is actually run by Italians. There is something comforting about a place that has an older man sitting at the cash, drinking wine, asking the waitress if he is looking "chic" that evening. I want to call him Uncle Vinny. I really do. After a riotous dinner, the Husband and I walked home and it was just so pleasant out. It has been a very long time since we went out with other couples and I realized how much I had missed that. Putting that on the list.

In other news, David Pershall (the opera singer I mention all.the.time) just got a reader submission on the awesome website BARIHUNKS. This is a site that highlights the hottest baritones from around the world and yes, this is apparently a thing. Here is the link and please don't kill me, David, I got permission from your wife. And then there is me (see how I brought that back to me? It's a gift.) and the photo shoot today. I AM FREAKING OUT, MAN! And the ironic thing is that I just recently talked a friend off a ledge a month ago because she had to do a photo shoot. I was all like "It will be so much fun! You are going to loooove every minute of it! Just relax!" and now that I have one coming up, I am hyperventilating and freaking out. I have only had one real photo shoot as an adult and Hef said I was awesome.. heh... total joke. No, we had a family shoot with friend and talented photographer Claire Morgan and I was able to hide behind my adorable baby throughout. This, this is COMPLETELY different! So I need to be talked off a ledge, you guys. Of course, regardless of what happens, it will make for an awesome blog post. Catch you on the flipside!


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