Dis and Dat

Top of the morning to you all! It is another hot and sunny day and I am loving it! Summer is back! And I just ordered a window stop thingy so that our bulky somewhat impractical air conditioner can be hooked up next week, lowering our living room temperature by a whole 3 degrees. Ah, Europe. Today is just a dis and dat post. I still need to finish the Graefin Mariza post but hopefully I will have that done in a day or two.

Last night I attended a lovely bbq in a hof with the Vienna Wuerstelstand crew. It was the perfect temperature and we sat on rugs (next time I will wear shorts - I am not Britney Spears) and ate awesome food and made inappropriate comments. I enjoyed the white wine, the company and the fact that I was sitting smack dab of the 8th district and it was silent... save for my shrill and braying laugh.

Around 10 it was time for me to head home so I gathered up my stuff and decided to take advantage of the amazing weather. I walked down Lerchenfelderstrasse which is so incredibly charming: I had no idea. There were so many people sitting at sidewalk cafes and there was such an upbeat and happy vibe. I passed one building that I have now officially fallen in love with and one day we shall be together. It's blue and it is gorgeous and if anyone knows which one I am talking about, please let me know so that I can stalk the inhabitants. Thank you.

Tonight I am heading to something intellectual called Parallax at MUMOK which will be so completely beyond my understanding but will be good for me after catching up on the Real Housewives of New York. And after reading that Playboy book by Holly Madison, and after thinking that a hedge fund manager was a gardener. God, I am dumb. After MUMOK a friend and I will head to the Freihausviertel street festival for some food and drinks and I cannot wait! I love Vienna in the summer. LOVE IT!

My parental units are arriving tomorrow and we will be heading to Fratelli's for dinner. On Saturday we are packing up their car and heading to Semmering in search of cooler weather. This will be another good experiment with the Kid and I pray we don't run into a herd of cows because I can see the day go so terribly wrong. In other news, I am going to be photographed. Calm yourselves. A friend wrote me a message last week when I was out for dinner. I read it quickly and I was shocked. She wrote to a photographer about me being an inspiration and now we are getting our pictures taken. I initially thought she had written the wrong person and then it would have been a super awkward moment. Kind of worse than waving at the wrong person on a busy street. But no, she meant me and I still can't believe it.

It will happen at the end of July and I wonder if I have time for recreating that film Face Off. I am not good in front of a camera. I am not good looking at pictures of myself. I'm not being modest, I am being a realist. Gah! But a part of me is excited to do it because it will force me out of my comfort zone and I wonder how she is at Photoshop. And of course I will make self-deprecating jokes about "wide-angle lenses" and so on and so forth because I use humour to hide my discomfort.

And the last part of dis and dat is the exciting news that the interview I did with opera singer David Pershall was the most shared article of Vienna Wuerstelstand. SO AWESOME! I wish you all a great day and catch you on the flip side! Woot!


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