All Roads Lead to Rome... Kind of

Good morning! We are in Rome! It was a bit of an adventure to finally get here but yes, we made it! In a little while we will be heading for breakfast and then at 8:30 we have a private tour of the Colosseum (I just spent a ridiculous amount of time trying to spell that). I told the Husband last night at dinner that it was a "fancy" tour just for us and that it was a little expensive to which he said "Like, 50 euros?" and now I know I can never tell him how much I really am paying.

So anyway, as I wrote yesterday, we definitely have our quirks when we travel and no matter how much we do to avoid conflict (the reason we booked the airport pick up in Rome among other things) we will still snap at each other.

Yesterday we got to the airport in record time and with 2 hours to spare I felt calm and collected. We went to drop off our luggage and realized we were too too early. So we decided to stop for lunch and a beer and just enjoy the hustle of an international airport. Airports are the ultimate in people watching. My favourite game? Guessing people's nationalities. So much fun! Yeah, I might need a better hobby.

We decided to finally drop off our suitcase (under 23 kg, thank you very much. And when I saw it weighed 14.4 kg, I was like, woot woot shopping!) and then went through security and then lo and behold; Victoria's Secret! Hello! It has been years since I have been to one of these and I was pretty excited to check out the one and only VS in Austria. There was a great sale and I bumped into an old colleague and the Husband just about lost his mind at all the stuff. I'm never bringing him back in there. Kid in a candy store.

I bought a couple of things (or else I would have had a 38 year old pouting toddler on my hands) and we went to our gate. And then we saw that the flight was going to be delayed 30 minutes. I was annoyed but I shrugged and said "meh, let's have a beer" and we had a small one and talked and waited. And then, we looked at the screen and the flight was going to be an hour and 15 minutes late and I got a little twitchy. We sat at the gate and I noticed that we were travelling with a group of Italian teenage girls. Wow. They wear short shorts. And one girl was wearing a bright pink mini dress under a denim vest and all that I could see were the letters "CK" and "ME" and I wanted to pass her a pashmina and go "Oh honey no!" but then I saw it read "ROCK ME" but still. Close call.

We finally boarded the plane close to 2 hours later and I was not that relaxed anymore, especially when the captain told us we would be waiting for another 30 minutes to which I responded with "ROCK ME!" heh. We finally took off and can I just add in here that flying with  EasyJet, while affordable and basic, is like travelling with the boy in Jurassic Park. Non-stop announcements. My God.

We finally landed and when we disembarked, CHAOS. There had been a problem at the airport in Rome and there were tons and tons of people. We waited a ridiculously long time for our luggage and then we headed into arrivals. And there was a guy, holding a tablet, with my name on it. The snob in me LOVED THIS! Our lovely driver took our suitcase and we asked him what the problem had been at the airport.

"Eh. There was fire yesterday. This morning a piece-a luggage alone. And in the afternoon, a blackout. Oh and there has been an accident on the highway so I take-a you a different route. Okaay?"

To which we responded with "Okaaay." The drive took close to 50 minutes and we kept taking detours and I whispered to the Husband "All roads lead to Rome! Hahahaha" I'm witty. We finally pulled up to our gorgeous monastery turned hotel just after 6 and went to reception. The guy at the desk was like:
"You come much later than expected!"
"Yes! There was a problem at the airport!"
"Our airport?" he asked as he typed in our passport information.
"Yes. A black out, a fire and an emergency evacuation."
"Oh. Normale." he said and passed us back our passports.
"Si. It's Fiumcino airport. Normale."

We went to our room, checked out all of the Italian channels and then decided to hit the area of Trastevere. One hour later  (40 minutes longer than it should take) we finally hit it and I was homicidal. The Husband has temporarily lost Map Master status. Gah! I was hangry. We stopped at the first restaurant we could find and somebody up there must have felt pity because a bottle of the house wine was 8 euros. I tried zucchini flowers for the first time (total bucket list) and then had a margherita pizza. It was so hot out and I dreaded the walk back. It was already 11 by the time we got back and we decided to stop for a glass of wine in the hotel gardens. It was a good end to a pretty stressful day.

And now it is time for us to grab some breakfast and then book a cab and head to the Colloseum. I am ridiculously excited to see Rome proper for the first time! Let's go!


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