What a Weekend!

It has been a great long weekend! I brunched, I went out for an amazing meal, had an overpriced cocktail, got amazing gifts, met a famous person, had friends over and probably best of all, the Kid did something that made me cry tears of joy - more on that later. It is Monday early afternoon and I am feeling a little exhausted but a lot happy. The parental units were in town and it was a blast. It was great to have the Kid spend some time with them and to see that he tolerated them. I guess that is the best way to describe how the Kid deals with people he is comfortable with - he tolerates them. I swear to God he is a cat and I am totally creating a diagnosis called Catism. And I will be rich... and shunned by the medical world. Moving on.

On Friday evening, one of my oldest and dearest friends came by for a drink and it was great to catch up with her, albeit briefly. I keep trying to get her to move back. She keeps trying to get me to come to Barcelona to visit. I see a plane trip in my future. On Saturday morning, the parental units came by with a suitcase of presents and I had to later go out and buy more hangers. I also got a little somethin somethin from a store that starts with "B" and ends with "Gari", so I am pretty pumped. After brunch, I cleaned the floors and set the table for the next day. In the evening, the parental units took me out to the amahzing Georgian restaurant Satrapezo in the 3rd district. We sat in the courtyard and gained about 5 pounds. This place is incredible! I had the Khachapuri (a Georgian pizza) and Kababi. I chose the Kababi because it sounds like a Jewish person saying Kebab. "Come on puddum, have a little kababi." Right? Totally. We drank wine and checked out the other patrons and then waddled back home.

Sunday morning was Austrian Father's Day - the Husband got undies because he is impossible to shop for unless it is the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit edition. I made brunch for the inlaws and the parental units and the Kid ran around in excitement, probably thinking "I'M SO POPULAR!!!". After brunch, we relaxed and then headed to the park and then I got changed and went to meet the parental units at their place. I decided to check out Le Loft at Sofitel because I had heard the view was amahzing. As we walked towards the place, I noticed two men standing and waiting for the light. Two things struck me; a) one was in a suit and I thought "Jeebus, he must be schwitzing" and b) hey! An English speaker! When you live abroad and you hear people speaking native English, you can't help but listen in. I'm not sure why I do this. There's nothing that unusual about hearing American/Canadian English in the center of Vienna, but maybe... just maybe... I have this feeling that they will be lost. And I will come up and be all like "What can I help you with?" And they'll be all like "Wow. Your English is great!" and I will chortle. Totally will chortle and say "Oh, I'm Canadian!" and we will all have a good old fashioned laugh. And then I will help them get to their destination and they will be so grateful that they will pull out a Chanel purse and give it to me as a token of their appreciation. Yeah.

ANYWAY... That is what struck me about the two men on the corner. Then, two teenagers came up and asked the American guy not in a suit if they could take a picture with him. Now, I'm no detective, but it became clear that this guy was someone famous. Unfortunately I have no peripheral vision so I had to turn to my mom, who has no shame (you know you don't, Mommy, but that's a good thing) and whispered "I think that guy is famous". Her head snapped back and forth, trying to see who I was talking about and finally settled on the young man beside us, waiting for the light to change. She asked me if I knew him and I said "no". So as we crossed the street she walked up to him and asked "Are you famous?" She's got chutzpah. The guy giggled and didn't know how to answer. He finally said "I'm Dylan O'Brien." We looked at him blankly so he added "From Teen Wolf." "Oh! That show!" my mom and I exclaimed. Then I said "Well, obviously we are your biggest fans." He laughed and we chatted for a while as we all walked in the same direction. By the way, the guy in the suit? His bodyguard. We asked him if he was enjoying Vienna and my mom tried to talk him into visiting Berlin. He made fun of Canadian accents and I told him we were stalking him as it became apparent we were heading into the same place.

Once in the lobby, we said our good byes and promised we would Google him soon. Then we headed to the elevators. We stepped on and pressed the top floor but unfortunately it didn't work. Funny enough, our celebrity got on as well and used his key to get us to our floor. I told him I would be seeing him later now that I knew what floor he was on. He laughed... nervously. And then we all said good bye again. So if you are a huge Dylan O'Brien fan, I can assure you that he is a super lovely and modest guy... and maybe a little jumpy after meeting us. Go forth fangirls! Enjoy!

After our brush with fame, we had drinks at Le Loft and WHAT A VIEW! I will be definitely taking the Husband there for a meal. And by meal I mean salad, a small salad we can share. It's a little pricey. Sadly, the parental units had to finish packing and I said my good byes. It was such a short visit but it was wonderful and I hope that we can do it again soon. I'll find another celebrity to stalk.

And now we are here at Monday. We had friends come by with their 3 year old for brunch and it was a lot of fun. The Kid of course tolerated our guests. We headed to the playground and the Kid played with water and then we headed back home for a little R and R. I love that we have a place where we can entertain comfortably. I AM STILL SO IN LOVE WITH THIS PLACE!

And before I forget... I mentioned before that the Kid did something amazing. My mom gave him a stuffed donkey from Santorini. It was more a present for me because Santorini and I are not friends. It knows what it did. Anyway, the Kid took the donkey and pretended to feed it. This may not seem like a big thing but to us, it is HUGE! I cried. I totally cried. So happy.

And now I realize I have written an essay and it is a beautiful hot day outside and it is time to head out again and enjoy to rest of the long weekend. I hope y'all are having a great day!


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