Week 2 of the 12 Week Challenge

Good morning everybody! I just got back from a great walk! I did not jalk this morning because I am tired... so very tired. So I negotiated with myself that instead of lying in bed and feeling sorry for myself, I would forgo any jogging and would walk to the center instead. And I did, and it felt great. Yay! Me!

Now, today is weigh-in and measuring day. I got on the scale. It ain't pretty. Lady Macbeth came to town yesterday and I put on a couple of pounds of bitch. Also, Sunday was a bit of shit storm. Melted cheese had a starring role. This happened because the baby shower I co-hosted on Saturday turned into a frat party. An elegant frat party, but a frat party nonetheless. Also, the Kid has a bad cold and yesterday I stayed at home. I was avoiding junk until the Kid decided to vomit allover me and I decided that jelly beans would help me through any post-tramautic stress I was experiencing. Oh, and new rule, Kid. There will be no more standing on the sofa. Stupid physics. So I'm feeling all sorts of jiggly due to the above-mentioned happenings but I will not give up and I will be measuring myself tonight when I get home and will post my stats tomorrow morning.

It is Canada Day and the Husband and I have been invited to the Official Residence. I CANNOT WAIT! Finally a real Canada Day party after 10 years in Vienna. I feel like smothering myself in maple syrup and drinking some Labatt. I could cry.

But what is a challenge if there isn't a plan and so I need to be very vigilant this week. I am aiming to get a few walks in until Lady Macbeth stops square dancing on my uterus and hopefully on Thursday and Friday I can get some Bikram in. On Saturday is a dear friend's birthday party so I will have to be super careful to rid our apartment of all cheese and all things that cheese can be melted onto. Such a good plan. I should also disable our wireless because melty cheesy things can also be delivered.

And so, I wish you a pleasant Tuesday and Canada Day! Stay tuned for posts about the Baby Shower and what I plan to eat this week so that I can bend over again. How are your stats looking today?!?


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