Bikram Yoga? Am I High?

I am currently on my third week of jalking and it is actually getting easier. I now jog half the full length of the park and walk the other half. I am doing it 40 minutes each time and I think I am starting to get my strongs back. It is such a nice way to start the day and yes, I feel ridiculously smug. Also, I get to see this on my route. Yeah, that's right. Feel the jealousy burn. It burns.
Our place is right at the end of this path. And there's wine, there.
Now that I am starting to get back in workout mode, I am starting to feel like I need to eat better. All interrelated. Damn. Monday night I made an omelette and salad for dinner, last night I had a chicken salad (fried chicken, whatever, go judge someone else) and tonight I am making a grilled veggie and feta pastry with salad. I'm starting to feel better about my life choices and the Husband is happy because I am not sitting in the corner of a dark room wailing "I'm faaaaaat...". No, now I do it with the lights on with slightly less conviction. I've dropped about 4 pounds in 3 weeks and I am happy. So, to keep me on this path, I have somehow been talked into Bikram Yoga.

Bikram Yoga is also known as Hot Yoga or as I like to call it The Hell Are You Doing in an Overheated Room Wearing Spandex Yoga. The session lasts for 90 minutes in a room heated to 40 degrees. This kind of sounds like my commute in the summer but 70 minutes longer. Anyway, the idea is that you sweat. You sweat and sweat and then get rid of toxins or the eye make up from last weekend that said WATERPROOF AND ERGO WILL NEVER COME OFF. See, the idea of Bikram Yoga seems kind of awesome and also seems like something I will awesomely hate. I have always secretly wanted to try it but I have had some run-ins with the Yoga and now currently do it privately at home, in the dark, where no one can judge me.

So, a "good" friend (good is pending until my first session) has convinced me to do it with her. She found a studio around the corner from my new place and she trapped me. Location and price will always get me to agree to something I don't really want to do. She knows my kryptonite. I am so screwed. We are going next Tuesday evening and I am, for lack of a better term, terrified.

Now, to prepare myself, I have just Googled images for Bikram Yoga. I don't want to do this ANYMORE! WHY ARE PEOPLE WEARING J.C. PENNEY UNDERWEAR?!? Nice lights, though.

And why is this man in a speedo standing on her? WHAT IS HE DOING? WHY? STAHP! STAHP SPEEDO MAN!

Stupid Google. So there you have it, I am officially screwed. Stay tuned for next week's report. And if someone in a Speedo stands on me, I will cut someone.


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