Characters on my Jalks

My jogging walks, or as I call them, my jalks are fantastic. There is nothing quite as peaceful as jalking through a beautiful park during sunrise. It's insane to be up at that hour but in a way, I look at it as my me-time. I'm the boss of me. It's silent, there's no toddler constantly tugging on my arm yelling "MOMMY MOMMY MOMMY HOCH HOCH HOCH!" (which is his way of demanding that I launch him in the air onto our bed. He weighs 35 pounds. He weighs a lot) or a husband asking me inane questions like "Why is our bank balance so low?" Jalking also gives me the chance to think about my day ahead, what I'm going to wear and what fabulous party will I be hosting soon. I also people watch because that is how I roll. There a few people in the park also getting their fitness on when I head out around 5:30. And yes, I make up stories about them. Walk with me:

The Silver Fox Professor: This guy gets up even earlier than I do. He wears a grey t-shirt, basic and appropriate running shorts and legs it. The guy is fast. He doesn't seem to break a sweat, either. I like to think he is in his late 40s, comfortable with his salt and pepper hair and teaches archaeology at the Vienna University. Yes, he's Indiana Jones. Most likely he's an accountant and hates his life. Not the passionate believer in hidden Mesopotamian treasure. A girl can dream.
Had any of my professors in university looked like this, I probably would have been a lot more successful. 

The Stick Walker: This woman annoys me and she shouldn't. She walks with Nordic walking sticks and while that doesn't normally bother me, she has an obnoxious way of slamming them down on the pavement with each stride. And she is out there before me so her click click click is like a morse code of taunting. I hate her. And I don't know why.
I will cut you.
The Jalker: There's another one of me. Except, she does more jogging than I do. She seems nice enough but she too annoys me because without fail, for the past two weeks, everytime I hit the park, I always end up beside her. AND IT DRIVES ME CRAZY. It drives me crazy because I have to regulate my speed. And then my pace is all off. And first world problems.

Gene Kelly: There's this guy that I have seen in the distance every few days. He wears wide legged trousers, walks with an oddly straight back, wears a backpack and reads a book. He kind of reminds me of Gene Kelly in one of those films where he plays a sailor who has just docked with his fleet of the S.S. Haven'tbeenlaidinmonths. And so the first thing he is going to do is find himself a conservative virgin to woo. You do you, Gene. This guy is an anomaly. Must get closer.
I don't know about you guys, but I could really go for some snuggling.
[Update: Gene is a woman. She likes to read poetry out loud while she walks. Will now stick to my side of the path]

So as you can tell, I should probably load up my MP3 player to distract me from my annoyance and/or lust.


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