Real Housewives and Spring is Happening in Vienna

Happy Tuesday! Tuesdays are often the hardest day of the week. They aren't Mondays (which are usually o.k. for me. I love the start of anything new), but they also aren't the middle of the week. They are kind of like not properly crisp bacon. You'll eat it, but you won't love it. Wrote the Jew... Anyway, this evening I have dinner plans with a friend at a Vietnamese restaurant called TaTa and I am very much looking forward to it! Otherwise, those are the only plans out this week which is absolutely perfect after so much chaos. Last night the Husband was out until about 9 and when he got home, I decided to go for a short run. As I keep mentioning (so I don't talk myself out of it and deal with the public shame), I am doing the Frauenlauf in the middle of May. I did it two years ago and did it in 34 minutes. I'm not fast, but I'm solid. But this year, my goal is to complete the 5K in 31 minutes. Is this a dumb challenge? Most definitely so!

The good news is that the weather is improving and Spring is on its way. I adore Vienna this time of the year. I say that about every seasonal change besides winter. Sorry, you are the middle child of seasons. I am a middle child, I can write that. There is something kind of, and please excuse me for the use of this word, sultry about Spring in Vienna. It's like the whole city wakes up and bursts flowers and greenery and is just a spectacular show. It's like Liza Minelli putting on sequins... it's fabulous! Within a few weeks from now, there will be so much overgrowth that I seem to wonder whether this is the year that plants attack us: so lush is the foliage. The days are longer and there is a promise of heat and it is all very sit on a porch with a haint blue ceiling and drink sundowners kind of feeling. This is the type of weather that makes me re-read one of my favourite books: Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. Every springtime I read it and every time I promise myself that I will definitely visit Savannah. I will. That and Charleston.

While Spring is generally lovely in Vienna, there are always a few days that like to show us that Winter (that bitch!) is still around.. but don't be disheartened, it won't last. As of March 1st, all of the restaurant terraces put out their outside seating which is like the Viennese version of Groundhog Day. Brace yourselves, Spring is coming... so are sleeveless dresses. Push up time! Anyway, yesterday when I got home, I had a phone date with a friend back in the States. The Kid loudly "talked" through out my conversation and part of me believes he was having a conversation with me. It was adorable but very loud. I am hoping that my friend will be able to come up for a night when I am in Toronto. For homework, I have told her to watch the Real Housewives of Toronto. Now I love ridiculous TV. My life is busy and can be difficult. As I get closer to opening the autism center and continue to work full time and raise the Kid, shit gets real. I need escapism. I used to watch pretty much all of the Housewives shows. I loved them but then something started to happen. They got dark and they got mean and I don't need to watch mean. I actually stopped watching OC and New Jersey. I think New York is next on the chopping block... and if Lisa Vanderpump leaves the Beverly Hills one, I'm outtie.

But never fear, Toronto is on the scene now! I have only seen a couple of episodes and it makes me miss my town. But I also like the series so far because, for the most part, the women actually seem really nice and that is what I want to see. Sure, a little drama doesn't hurt, but for the most part, I just want to see the trips, the clothes and the clubs and restaurants. Their houses too because that is always fun. I am flying to Toronto at the end of May and I making a list of places I need to try out. Thanks Real Housewives of Toronto! And thank you Tourism Toronto... you have found your target audience. Her name is Tova. And since I am admitting (again) my love for reality TV, I do have to admit that I started watching the Sydney one and I don't think my mouth has ever dropped open from watching one of these shows except for that epic scene in season 1 of New Jersey when Teresa Giudice flipped a table and screamed these epic words.

That was TV gold. Anyway, Sydney is definitely cray and I am paraphrasing here but one woman's husband says something like "The only time you use a broom is to fly." and I am loosely repeating this but it was something to that effect and OMG! I thought there would be a homicide shortly after that. Oh! The awkwardness. Anyway, I'm not proud and yet... I will admit to watching this. Meh. As I said before, I need escapism. Speaking of which, I need to slowly get the Kid ready for kindergarten and I have to put on my face spackle. I hope you all have a fabulous Tuesday and toodles!


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