A Very Sick Kid but Hopefully over the Worst

Uuuggghhh...this virus. It's kicking our asses right now. Yesterday afternoon, during my meeting at the Hard Rock Cafe, I received several updates from the Nanny. She assured me that he was doing o.k. but not great. After the meeting, I flew home and the Kid had just thrown up again and had a very high fever. In a panic I wrote my doctor an e-mail. He is great and is always quick to respond. He assured me that this virus was currently going around Vienna and we most likely had to ride it out and that there was not much we could do except give him liquids and monitor his fever. I was a mess but felt a little better knowing that this bug is going around and he most likely doesn't have some brain eating disease. Thanks, Web MD. Another mother wrote me too and told me her sons had the same thing last month and that too put me more at ease.

The Kid slept the whole night (I did not) and this morning he woke up with a low-grade fever but he drank a lot and that was a great sign. I also had a phone date with my doctor and after describing the symptoms and that he is now drinking and snacking a little, he told me that he should be fine in a few days. If he doesn't improve in a day or two, then we will go to the doctor. One reason we didn't go immediately is that the Kid turns into a demon there and actually causes a lot more distress to him. Him being non-verbal autistic makes a visit anywhere he doesn't to go to, a declaration of war. And he will fight us to the death. The great thing about Vienna is that at night there is a non-emergency emergency hotline. The number is 141 and you are put through to a registered nurse who will ask if you want a doctor to come to your house or not. They usually don't have to ask because I am in the background angrily and unhelpfully whispering "TELL THEM TO SEND SOMEBODY! SEND ANYBODY! A DOCTOR, A WITCH DOCTOR, DOCTOR NO. I DON'T CARE!"

We have used this service 3 times for the Kid over the past 6 years and if my doctor hadn't responded, we would have called the service last night. So I am home again today. And the Nanny is off today so it's me and you kiddo, wrestling to give you cough medicine. But I have to say, I am feeling a lot better today: he has a horrendous cough but his fever seems to be abating and best of all, he is drinking and eating a little bit. Yesterday was no bueno. Let's not do that again for a long long time. O.K.? In other news, today is Women's Day! Shout out to all the incredible ladies out there who do too much for too little. All my girlfriends are amazing and I could not imagine a life without knowing so many incredible people. I am lucky to have so many peers with so much heart, determination, kindness and the ability to hold their liquor. You ladies rock! Keep fighting the good fight.

It is also my dad's birthday so a special shout out to him! He is currently in Florida with my mom and I think they are having a spectacular time. One day I will visit them there and we can go for an early dinner and then play gin rummy...while drinking gin and rum. So, once again, Happy Birthday Daddy! May your day be filled with beer and nachos and a book about spies during the Cold War or anything by John le Carre. And now for some more exciting news: I will be heading to Toronto at the end of May! A friend of mine is getting married and I would love to be there for it. And it would be great to back in the homeland because, poutine. So that is something mega for me to look forward to! Gird your loins, Canada! As I wrote yesterday, I had a bank appointment to finally sign for the new Verein's account. This has been a Herculean task and I am happy to say that the account is officially up and running! My friend who is also the "cashier" of the Verein had to sign as well and when they said we had to "sign" they did not mention that we should also bring a wrist brace to avoid carpal tunnel syndrome. MY WORD DID WE SIGN A LOT! At one point I turned to my friend and said "I feel like we are buying our first house together!" and then the banker said "Actually, you just signed your house over to me." Cue nervous laughter and a closer look at the 500 pages of banking paperwork. When we signed the last document, he said "All done!" and my friend and I high fived and the banker looked amused. Or tired. I guess you don't get a lot of high fiving customers in a bank. Interest and foreclosures are not really high five appropriate topics.

After the bank meeting, we headed to the Hard Rock Cafe and I cannot wait to tell you all about it when some things are finalized! So now that the account is set up, I just have to link it to the GoFundMe account and then let the donations begin! People have been so incredibly generous and now I ask that people be generous again by sharing the link once I post it on Facebook. This would be incredibly helpful to spread the word about the Beacon Beach House and to finally get a location. I am really excited about this next chapter and I cannot wait! Hopefully in a day or two the Kid will be back to his happy goofy self and I can finally sleep and not be a hot mess. That would be nice. He has been a real champ and I am so proud of him. Maybe one future goal is for me to act more like him next time I am hit with a bug. I'm the whiniest sick person out there that even my loved ones steer clear when I get a cold. I haven't been brought a bowl of soup in years. I guess I deserve that. I hope you all have a great day and thank you for all of the support and virtual hugs for the Kid. It's been a rough ride but there is light at the end of the tunnel. He just stole a chip. He's on the mend. Yes, I am having chips for breakfast. I'm an adult. I can do what I want. Stop judging me! Toodles!


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