Going Offline at Midnight

Well, hey everybody! How are we today? Me, I'm good today. Better than the last couple of days to be honest. Thursday was such a mess and I thought things had calmed down but they picked up again on Friday. I can handle people questioning things, but I have a hard time with people not doing some research before they approach the castle with pitch forks. It is frustrating. We have to be a cohesive unit because that is what makes us stronger. Fractures lead to doubt and can cause long-lasting damage to the community and that is all I am going to say about that. But the Internet sometimes... wow.

Everyday I learn something new about people and about me. I need to learn to walk away sometimes and I am getting better. Moving on....The awesome news (which I already posted about) is that on April 2nd, Hard Rock Heals (the Hard Rock Cafe global charity) is organizing a great event at the Hard Rock Cafe Vienna to recognize World Autism Day. There will be breakfast and a live jazz band and a couple of paintings from an artist. In the afternoon there will be cocktails! And some of the proceeds will be going to Autism in Vienna: Beacon Beach House. I can't wait! Please reserve a spot as soon as possible! It is incredible how much work the organization has done to put on this event and I will be eternally indebted to them. All that matters at this point is spreading awareness and creating a supportive community in Vienna. Even if it kills me.

So anyway, back to the Internet. I am online ALL the time. A lot of it is Beacon Beach House related, blog related and of course, there is a lot of Pintersting to be done. I get up every morning and immediately check the Interwebs. I check the following news sites: CNN, BBC, Huffington Post, Al Jazeera and Reuters. It is important for me to get a general overview of what is happening in the world and then, when my stomach stops heaving from the Weltschmerz, I move onto Facebook. I on average have about 20 notifications waiting for me in the morning as well as a couple of messages. The majority are fun and from friends. Some have to do with the autism center. I then check Gmail for e-mails. This all takes about 10-15 minutes and I do this while I am in bed, usually reading with one eye open. I will then crawl out of bed and make a cup of coffee, thinking about the day ahead. If I have time, I will respond to messages and e-mails and posts, then put on my make up, get the Kid dressed and if it is my day to take him to Kindergarten, off we go. I then walk to the Ubahn station, grab a seat on the train and go back on the Internet. At work, if things are slow, I will check different sites through out the day, answer questions, read up on Autism news, edit a pending blog post and of course, post about inane things on Facebook. I am constantly interacting and I don't get a break and that isn't good. It is obvious that I spend just way too much time on the Internet but it is necessary most of the time. But, after the mess on Thursday and Friday, I have come to the conclusion that once in a while, I need a day off. So tomorrow is that day, my friends! I will be going offline for a day. Nothing fun can happen while I am gone! You understand?

It will be good for me to have a bit of a break and of course I will be writing about my Internet free day in the next blog post. I might be using a lot of adjectives like: despondent, sad, lonely, hate. But I will stay strong! And my last little story before I go and play with the Kid... I just got my hair did. A few weeks ago I got a fab cut by a Canadian woman who moved here a few months ago. My hair was a little brassy from all the experimentation (we will go with that word) and so I asked her for highlights. She came by at noon today and she did a fab job. I be blonde, yo. I will post a picture soon. It will also look great with the uneven self tanner I will no doubt start applying soon. Yaas. I hope you all have a fabulous Saturday still! TOODLES!


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