31 Hours no Internet and I Survived to Tell the Tale

I did it! 31 hours with no social media and no Internet! Was it tough? Yes. But it wasn't impossible. I needed the break and I definitely think it was a great thing to try. I did kind of wake up super early this morning and look at my phone. There were about 30 Facebook notifications which is actually better than I expected. I half expected a whole thread on my wall with people mocking me. Only a couple of people tried baiting me but I stayed strong.

Since I am nothing if not dramatic, I decided to write a log about my day without my beloved Internet. So here it is!

6:00- Wake up, reach for phone. It's in Airplane mode. Well played, last night's Tova. Well played.

6:30- Want to kvetch about Daylight's Savings Time. Can't. Whole online world is probably bitching in unity. Feel so alone.

7:00- Crawl into living room to watch Formula One. Perfect photo opportunity for Instagram about watching Formula One. Must resist.

7:30- Wan't to post that the new Canadian driver Lance Stroll is in 13th. Can't. Also want to remark that he does indeed look like Jacob from Twilight.

7:45- There's a pink car?!?!

8:00- Lance Stroll out. Damn. Commentator makes some joke about him scaring birds in the park as he drives off track. Either a totally innocent joke or totally throwing shade. Might just write Trudeau about this to warn him of a possible diplomatic issue with Austria. Has nothing to do with wanting to meet Trudeau. Nothing at all.

8:20- The Kid silently protesting lack of cartoons being shown this Sunday morning. Lying in the middle of the living room, staring at the ceiling. Sorry, Kiddo, 2 against one. Welcome to real life.

8:30-Melbourne looks nice. Real housewives of Melbourne was a fun show. Totally want to visit Australia. Good friend lives there. However, have irrational fear that when I step off plane, a crocodile, a shark and a venomous snake will attack me.

8:30- Go, Pink Car, Go! Ask the Husband to look up who is in pink car because I can't check for myself because I am living my personal hell.

8:40- Vettel won! Fun race. First sign of Spring: start of the Formula One season. Here is the German national anthem. And now the Italian one. Not loving the shorts on the ladies. Hi, Weber! You look like Superman.

8:45- Would be posting about the race on Facebook...but... you know.

8:50- Thinking about the dress I bought online for the wedding in May. It was a tough choice. There was a cute bright pink one, but it would have been too bright and the first rule of being a wedding guest is don't look like a groupie from WHAM.

9:00- Hmmm. What to do? What to do? Lanudry? Yes, let's do laundry!

9:30- Sheets changed. Cartoons on. Park looks beautiful this sunny morning. Must.not.Instagram. #parklife # thissucks

9:35- Resisting urge to Google "Are starfish animals or vegetables?"

9:40- Ask Husband and he responds with "Of course they are animals!" Looks at me in dismay. "Are you sure?" I ask. He responds with "They move. Do vegetables move?" and I say "They could." and he exclaims "Do CARROTS MOVE?!?!" and then I sulk. Stupid starfish. Stupid not being able to Google things secretly.

9:45- Want to look at pretty dress that I ordered for the wedding. But is online so I can't. Will look for accessories in my closet instead.

9:50- Need new shoes. Guess I will have to look those up tomorrow! Gah!

10:00- Cartoons are absolutely grating without Pinterest to dull the pain.

10:05- Yay! Wash is finished! Let's go hang the stuff up!

10:08- I'm bored.

10:09- Think I will take the Kid for a walk around the neighbourhoos soon.

10:11- Coffee? Think I will have another coffee.

10:12- I wonder if Jessica Fletcher ever slept with Doc, or Sheriff Metzger. Yes. I think so.

10:13- The Kid is adorable this morning. Little firecracker.

10:40- Second wash done! Yay! Let's go hang it up!

11:00- Come on Kiddo! Let's be retro and actually go outside today and see real life people.

12:30- Back from the walk. Kid was awesome. Time for lunch. Let me eat my feelings. So alone. No Internet.

1:00- Yoga in the living room? Sure!

1:35- Well that wasn't great. Kid used me as an off ramp half the time. I am not at one, I am not at peace.

1:40- Self tanner time! This can only end well.

2:00- Is it too early to go to bed?

2:15- Maybe I will plan my outfits for the week. Yay! I am Cher Horowitz!

2:40- Check self tanner. Still pasty.

3:00- Still not a bronzed goddess.

3:30- The Husband is heading to the gym. Will do sit ups in solidarity.

3:45- Wish I could Google inspiring work out stories. Look at self in mirror. Look like I haven't washed my face in a month. Hello, self tanner.

4:00- Try to touch tongue to nose. Do starfish have brains?

4:30- Stand in hallway, unsure what to do next.

5:00- Decide to go for a run! Just ordered new running shoes on Friday. I hope they fit! They are totally adorbs. Like a Carebear bled allover them.

6:00- Showered and unable to use #smug to describe current mood on Instagram. I am #sad.

6:03- Order Chinese food.

6:30- Kid so great about sitting at the dining room table and eating. Would have posted this on Instagram but apparently we are Amish now.

6:45- Self tanner has taken effect. Look odd. Will be wearing lots of make up tomorrow!

6:50- Still light out. Would make comment about this on Facebook if I could. So very alone. Mention it to the Husband. He agrees that it is indeed still light out.

7:00- Decide to make friendship bracelet to distract myself. Shall be made in a rage because I miss Pinterest so very very much.

7:30- Still working on bracelet. Hoping Kid will be tired despite time change. Wondering how my mommy friends are doing. Could have made witty remark about Satan and daylight savings time on Facebook. Try it out on the Husband. He walks out of the room.

7:45- I think I ate too much Chinese food.

7:50- Looking at Kid for signs of tiredness. Nope.

8:00- Husband takes Kid to bed. He ain't tired. We are screwed.

8:15- Turn on Pretty Little Liars. Yay! Hi imaginary friends! 3 episodes of fun ahead!

8:20- I love this show. This show is terrifying. That bunker is terrifying. WHO IS CHARLES?!?!

9:00- Finish bracelet, start necklace. Gah!

10:30- O.K. Pretty Little Liars is over. Better head to bed. Crawl into bed, look at my phone and whisper "See you in a few hours. I missed you."


So there you have it, I did it. I am not an addict. As you can see from my log above, I am totally well adjusted and can function without the sweet, sweet, Interwebs. Heh. God help us all if I learn how to macrame. It's time for me to get dressed and get the Kid ready for Kindergarten. I will now be smug for the rest of the day, knowing that I too can resist the sweet Siren call of the Interwebs. So smug. #smug. Toodles.


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