A Great Party and Got my Hair Did and Amazing Things Ahead

Hello Sunday! The poor Kid is sick. Yesterday after our fab walk through the Belvedere Palace grounds, he succumbed. He has a hacking cough and this morning he woke up with a fever. After giving him (I make that sound so easy) some good old fashioned drugs, he is perky again. We will be staying at home today and making sure his fever doesn't get too high (high risk of febrile seizures). It's never easy when he is sick because he can't tell us what's wrong... but the amazing thing is that this time he didn't attack us as he has in the past out of frustration. This is a sign of his growth and I could not be prouder of him. Well, until he learns how to purchase me Jimmy Choos online. So there's room for growth there, too. I'm o.k. with a lazy Sunday of cleaning up, writing and chasing the Kid around with a thermometer.

In other news, this blog has had over 50,000 hits in the past year! That's exciting! I am almost at 180,000 all time views and that is pretty incredible for a blog that primarily features me and my love hate relationship with food and alcohol. Sometimes I mention fun facts, too. Sometimes I don't. So I just want to say, thank you for the reading love! It means a lot! I definitely wrote a lot more often in February and it was great and I plan to update this blog as often as I can. March, however, will be absolutely insane. I stupidly assumed it would be quieter but that was obviously stupid... because there is a TON TO DO! And to be honest, I am incredibly excited about this! You might have seen on Facebook that the Hard Rock Cafe Vienna is hosting another event for children with special needs. This will be an Easter event with the Easter bunny and this Jew is excited! It will be on April 8th at 9:30 a.m. and again, Hard Rock Cafe rocks so very much for putting this event on. The Santa event was such a success, their staff was so amazing and the kids who attended were all so great! I cannot wait for this event because I know it will be a huge success.

The thing with autism is that kids with autism can truly pick up on so much. When there is acceptance, they will respond and that is exactly what happened at the Santa event in December. The staff even declared that the kids were some of the best behaved kids they had ever seen and so obviously they didn't notice my young prodigal son running around like a bat out of hell. Heh. Mommy loves you, kiddo. Besides the Easter event, I am also working on an event for World Autism Day. This will be on April 2nd and that is going to require a lot of work and there is less than a month to pull this together. I know it will be wonderful but I am a taaaadd stressed. On Tuesday I have a meeting about it and then I will feel a lot better knowing the plan... or I will curl into fetal position and say for the 100th time: I NEED AN INTERN! So those are the two major events in April and of course, in a couple of weeks: it's the Tiki baby shower I am hosting for a friend. But there is a bit of a twist. The baby is already here! She couldn't wait to make her appearance (I think she might be my spirit animal) and made a dramatic entrance. Mom and baby are doing well so we are going ahead with the fab party so that Mom can relax for a couple of hours with cocktails and friends. So for the next 2 weeks, I will be creating foliage with tissue paper. I can't wait! I love parties and it has been a few months since I hosted one and I have always wanted to do a Tiki theme so this is obviously all about me. Heh.

Speaking of parties, on Friday I went to a friend's 40th party. He wanted to have a big bash and decided on hosting it in a typical Austrian heuriger (wine tavern) called Mayer am Pfarrplatz. I used to go here back when I was a teenager and Beethoven lived here and we totally hung out. Speaking of old, back to the 40th party. I showed up at 7 p.m. with a big pink present and wearing my fake glasses. When I feel I look tired, I pop those on and people think I am intellectual, until I admit that they are fake. Then they think I am a moron. I greeted the birthday boy and his wife and was introduced to some people and then I grabbed a glass of wine. A friend and her boyfriend showed up shortly afterwards and we caught up. The wife of the host was absolutely incredible. She kept walking around with trays of appetizers and making sure everybody had a drink. Now, I love to host but I am the type that opens the door and says "Welcome! Booze there, food there. Thanks for coming." By 7:45 there was a large crowd in the beautiful Probusstüberl and the birthday boy made a speech. He thanked everybody for coming and couldn't believe how many people had flown in for the party and I, like an asshole, yelled out "OPEN BAR!" I might never be invited to anything again. He had a brilliant idea of introducing everybody with key words. This is a fabulous idea. At one point he introduced a relative by saying "Ask her about horses... and her breaking a champagne bottle on..." and as he paused for breath, someone yelled out "A HORSE?" Yes, mystery soul mate, yes. Well done. There was a lot of laughter and then the buffet was open.

We ate and I talked to some new people and it was just a really really lovely party. I said to a friend at one point "We've really grown. This is an adult party. In the past we would see alcohol and load up. Now we are all like 'Is that Zweigelt? Or maybe I will have a glass of Grüner Veltliner.' This is really lovely." She agreed. I met some really lovely people and even two teachers who work with children with special needs and that was exciting! By midnight I was fading and even though there was an after party, I decided to be mature and head home. 10 points for the fake glasses! They help me make good life choices! It was a lovely party and in a lovely location and I totally think the gift of Hot Wheels was wholly appropriate. On Saturday morning I woke up surprisingly full of energy and cleaned up a little bit because at noon, a lady was coming by to give me a haircut. As I mentioned before, I hate going to a hair salon and so when I found out that this woman who I had met a few months aog is a hair stylist and will come to your home... well, yes, yes yes!

She came by at noon and got to work. She didn't even hit me over the head with her hair dryer after seeing my ratchet hair bleaching experiment. But I did promise not to do anything else for a while. When she was done styling my hair, I looked in the mirror and I was so so so happy. I finally got the long bob I have always wanted. Seriously, for years I have been asking for this cut and every time I would go to a hairdresser, I always got something different from what I wanted. This is by far the best haircut I have ever had and I say thank you! If you are in the market for an English speaking (she is Canadian) hair dresser who is not only incredible at her job, but is super lovely as well, drop me a line and I will put you in contact with her. The combination of being at home and getting my dream haircut? Best day ever! So now I must end this post and check the Kid's temperature. I hope you all have a lovely Sunday and stay tuned for all the upcoming events regarding autism! I cannot wait! Toodles!


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