Weekend Ahead and Dis and Dat

I am so happy it is Friday! I have a phone date this evening and then tomorrow is the Easter event at Hard Rock Cafe and then it will be a weekend of chillaxing! The Kid stayed home yesterday. We aren't sure what is going on but I think he just might be a little under the weather. He also doesn't want to go to bed now which is a new not fun thing. He ended up falling asleep on me while I watched Columbo. It was idyllic. I got a cramp but I got to snuggle my bebe and it was bliss. When I left for work early this morning, he was still passed out in my bed (MY BED!) so he is staying home one more day. And then, well, it is the weekend. I don't know if he is going through some new separation anxiety but I do get it. I would want to spend a lot of time with me, too. Heh.

By the way, I adore Cary Elwes. I wonder what he is up to nowadays. I always thought he should be in more things...I am going to Google him right now "Cary Elwes 2017" Oh. Alright. Hmm. Meh. That's a nice picture. There he looks a little Botoxy. Dammit! Abort mission!  Now that it is Friday and this crazy week of work is almost done, I can talk about dis and dat and things that are not important. But before I do that, I just want to say a huge thank you to everybody who has donated to the Beacon Beach House GoFundMe account! And the Facebook shares are incredibly helpful as well. We have raised over 3,000 euros in a month and that is spectacular! There is also money in the actual account from the fundraiser and from other donations which is incredible! This will help for future events as well as create a little bit of a buffer once I start looking for a location. I am putting out feelers but I don't want to start renting a place until there is at least 30,000 in the account. No point in opening up and then being like "So sorry, couldn't pay the rent! Excuse me while I go and cry into my pillow!" But I am positive we will get there.

And now for something completely different. Most of you have seen the Pepsi ad that caused a lot of controversy and I still am shaking my head at it. The ad, not the controversy. I don't know how this even got filmed. They should have stuck with the violin player at the beginning and ended it there. But I guess the best thing about this ad is that it is getting us talking. I usually don't get over offended by things. I don't have time to yell at everyone on the Internet but when something particularly stupid comes along, I am going to voice my opinion. This whole ad was just incredibly stupid, insensitive and offensive on so many levels. I don't understand why, in 2017, we can't embrace diversity or why an a huge corporation could be just so utterly tone deaf. Just recently a film came out with Scarlett Johansson called Ghost in a Shell or with a Shell or on a Shell. I don't know the correct title. I don't follow SciFi. But what I do know is that this role is not for a white blonde. Why are studios so resistant to casting a person of colour or ethnicity. I am on Pinterest A LOT and I can tell you that people take their SciFi seriously and people who love the comic, don't need to have it white washed. I honestly find the whole thing appalling and don't tell me there aren't thousands of incredible Japanese actresses out there that could have filled the role.. and  I bet that the film would have been a hit! It still blows my mind that this is happening in 2017. I thought we had come further. And when they make a film about me and they need to cast me, girl with a schnoz will be great. Thank you.

That was my mini rant for today. I do like this blog to offer a bit of escapism but sometimes I do have to talk about something serious. And now I am going to talk about something completely not serious. As most of you know, I love the show Southern Charm and yet I am still stuck on Season 2. I am hoping that this weekend I can watch a couple of episodes and finally start to catch up. I am also reading Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil which I do every Spring. It is an incredible book and the film is great too. And now I have just found out that they are doing a Southern Charm based in Savannah, I might just lose my ever loving mind! Totally on my bucket list to visit Charleston and Savannah. Maybe one day! Besides the architecture and the foliage, I think I am very drawn to the fact that afternoon cocktails are a thing there. And yes, I am aware that is not a good thing.

So it is slowly time for me to end this somewhat rambling post. I am hoping to get in some hot yoga in sometime this weekend as well as a of a couple of runs. I went for a run last night and almost died running up the hill back home but at least the aura of smug soothed my aching muscles. Just about 6 weeks until the Frauenlauf which means just over 6 weeks until I head to Toronto. Which means just about 7 weeks until my friend gets mawwied! Oh this is all so exciting! Have a fantastic weekend! Toodles!


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