Tova Be Toning It Up - A 5 Week Challenge

In case you are visiting Operation Tubetop for the first time, I just want to quickly introduce myself! My name is Tova Marr, I am a Canadian living in Vienna, Austria and I have been writing this blog for over 5 years. Originally this was supposed to be a blog about me losing weight and looking fabulous and I was well on my way. But life got in the way. And then life got hard. Our beautiful son was diagnosed with autism just over 3 years ago. He was kicked out of 2 kindergartens, he lost all of his words, we moved to a new place and life was just so damn difficult. For a good 2 and a half years, we all struggled. I felt lost, so did the Husband and I turned to more food for comfort. But once the sadness lifted, the anger set in and it became clear there was just not enough support for autism in Vienna, Austria. I started a Facebook page called Autism in Vienna, started organizing events, and then just late last year, officially became a not-for-profit organization with a couple of friends. I am now trying to raise money for an actual center which will be named The Beacon Beach House. I work full time and try to do it all. And now I want to do more. So again, if this is your first time visiting the blog, welcome and enjoy the ride. And the gifs.

So, for the long-time readers: you all know how much I love challenges! I did a 30 day vegan challenge, a 30 day yoga challenge and a 30 day no alcohol challenge which I completed in 22 days because I am just that good. So of course I needed a new challenge. I might have a problem. I was thinking about what I could do and then I decided on doing something a little more grander and maybe a little more life changing. The past few weeks I have been definitely working out more. More hot yoga, more running and less stuffing my face and feeling sorry for myself. But I still haven't been giving it my all... And by that, I mean killing myself by going that extra mile. About a year ago I stumbled upon a reality show called Toned Up. It was only on for 1 season but it followed two women: Katrina and Karena who, a few years ago, founded their company Tone it Up.

The show was fun and upbeat and provided tons of body envy as well as a glimpse into a company that seems pretty fantastic. And of course, GIRL POWER! As much as I love shows like the Real Housewives of every major city, I very much enjoy seeing the work side of it. And while working to raise money for the Beacon Beach House is not exactly glamorous, I am definitely having fun along the way... and learning a lot. The show was great and while I didn't sign up for their courses, I have been stalking their Instagram accounts. It's not creepy because social media and all that jazz.

I think that these two are incredibly successful for a few reasons: they update their social media daily, they are gorgeous, they seem like a lot of fun, and you don't feel like you are being sold a magic bullet. You really do have to work hard. In a few days their Bikini Series is starting and if I wasn't watching what I spend so that I can spend, I would have totally signed up. Instead, I will be following their YouTube channel and checking out their website. I have not done their routines yet but today is the day I start. I hope to get their work outs in, to up my cardio and of course try and follow their recipes. I also thought it would be fun to try and embrace their lifestyle as well.

Sure, I don't live in California and I don't get to wear spandex to work, but there are some tweaks I can make to my daily life. There will be times that I won't be able to follow everything but for the next 5 weeks, I am going to make an effort. And I will probably swear a lot. If you want to follow along, check out my Instagram: Tmspatz. There I will be obnoxiously posting about my work outs, what I am eating and how I am trying to follow a Tone it Up lifestyle. Every Sunday I will post a re-cap which I will be writing daily. There you can find more details about the challenge. The good news is that these girls drink wine so there won't be too much crying. If, after the 5 weeks, I see a huge change, I will be signing up to be a lifer of Tone it Up but no matter what happens, I think this might actually be a lot of fun.

While some might think this is a vapid challenge... I can't help but agree. But at the same time, I never said I wasn't vapid, and actually, what is so vapid about about fitness. There is nothing wrong in wanting to better oneself and maybe this is just the push I need. I don't want another summer of trying to find "flattering yet professional mu-mu" on Amazon and I want to be able to look back and know that I gave it my all. Please join me on this challenge if you can! And now I have to go and look up my first work out from the Tone it Up girls. My legs feel like jelly so I might find an arm workout. Woot! Here we go! Tova be Toning it Up Challenge 2017!


  1. Ooh you are endlessly inspiring! This has given me the oomph I need, have totally lost my way recently. And also - you know what, sometimes vapid is just what I want when life is otherwise being quite cruel. And fitness isn't really that vapid anyhow. Taking care of your health, investing in your future with your kid etc. etc. I'm going to try partaking in this from across the pond! Must add you on Instagram. Good luck! L x

    1. Thanks for your comment! you are right! There is nothing vapid about being fit... maybe a spray tan is though... but totally going to get one anyway! Let me know how your workouts go and good luck! T.


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