A Great Event and a Little Procedure

Apologies for not updating this blog in over a week! It has been incredibly hectic in every aspect of my life these past few days and things are finally and hopefully slowing down soon. I say that every time and then the universe is like "Wait a second, is Tova chillaxing? SEND HER ALL THE MEMES!" But for the most part, nothing major seems to be on the horizon. Famous last words.

The Kid has been a bit difficult the last few days. It started on Sunday evening. He was kvetchy and annoyed and we didn't know what was wrong. I initially thought it was growing pains but since he can't speak, it is pretty impossible to know what is bothering him. He didn't fall asleep until 10:30 and I was a bit of a wreck. On Monday he was fine until a friend and her visiting sister came over. He came over to me in an agitated state during dinner and showed me his finger. It looked a little red and then I realized that he smelled like lavender. He had stuck his finger into the oil burner in the other room. He didn't scream but of course the pain worsened and it was a rough hour. He even bit my dear friend but she brushed it off saying "I have a cat." She's the best. I felt like a terrible mother but the good news is that he actually showed me the source of pain. And well, this time I knew why he was crying. Siiiggghhh. Yesterday the kindergarten called and said he had a low-grade fever and was being difficult. And last night he did not want to go to bed. This morning he was kvetchy again so he stayed home. I don't know if it is because he is on the verge of getting sick again or he is going through a phase, but what I do know is that I will be purchasing a bottle of wine today.

So moving on, last Sunday was the big event at the Hard Rock Cafe Vienna for World Autism Day. As many of you know, there was some drama leading up to it so I was an absolute wreck. I half expected to find a My Little Pony head in my bed at one point. I am nothing if not dramatic. On Sunday morning, I got up, put my war paint on and headed out to the Hard Rock Cafe. The Husband waited for the Mother in Law so that she could babysit the Kid fro a couple of hours. I want to involve him as much as possible in events but loud Jazz might have sent him over the edge and I had visions of fried eggs and bacon being catapulted through the air. The breakfast was planned for 9:30 but the band was coming early to set up. The Lofquist Trio (you can find their website here) are fantastic! They offered to do the event for free and I cannot thank them enough! Just after 9, the artist I mentioned in an earlier post showed up with a few of his pieces. You can find out more about his work here. Just after 9:30, people started to arrive and it was amazing to see so many families! I was going to give a speech but it was just too chaotic and the music was fantastic and I didn't want to interrupt it with my grating voice. Instead, I approached as many tables as I could and that was a huge feat for me. Speaking in German and approaching strangers, kill me now. But I did it and it was awesome! I am overwhelmed by how great the event was. It wasn't about raising money but about raising awareness so again, a huge thank you to the Hard Rock Cafe Vienna for hosting this event and I cannot wait for the next event this Saturday which will be the Easter event for kids with special needs. But if I get anymore hate mail before that, Mama going to lose her shit.

After the breakfast, I headed home and hung out with the Kid and then took a short nap. At 3 I headed back for a cocktail. I met up with a couple of friends and we chatted and then by 5, it was time for me to head home. It was a long day but an exciting one. It was great to meet new people and to help bring more autism awareness to Vienna. My work is only just getting started and I cannot wait. But maybe first I will take another nap. The plans for the next couple of months include more therapy networking evenings, more parent evenings, a sensory-friendly movie afternoon, a picnic and a seminar or two. I am also trying to do a big big thing with a big big company but that will take a while. They haven't met me in person yet so they don't know how cute I am when I get angry. Like a beardless leprechaun. And now... the next paragraph will be about a little procedure I had done yesterday morning. I would advise the gentlemen reading this, to skip the next paragraph.

So yesterday morning I went for a little procedure. No, it wasn't Botox. Still look like a chubby raisin. It was for an IUD placement. I have talked to a few people about it who have had it done. The first friend was like "Piece of cake! Pffft. Barely felt a thing." and then the next friend was like "It felt like 1,000 lightning bolts attacking your uterus at one time." So obviously that was helpful! I did some research on the Interwebs and it seemed that the majority of people who had had it done felt pain. Of course this did not make me feel any better. Yesterday morning I was a bit of a shaky mess on my way to the appointment and when I went in to see my doctor, I was ready to bolt. So how was it? It hurt. It really really hurt. But it didn't hurt for long. I would say a total of 2 minutes of pain and then the worst was over. I did have cramps throughout the day but I stayed at work and by the evening, I was on the sofa, feeling sorry for myself. But to be completely honest, this wasn't so bad. I am glad it is over and I am glad I have 5 years of not having to do that again! Moving on!

I am  happy to be back to writing the blog. It's been a crazy couple of weeks but like I said earlier, I am hoping things will be slowing down. I am very much looking forward to the Easter break. I will no doubt spend most of it watching old Charlton Heston films on TV and eating chocolate. It's tradition! I hope you all have a fantastic Thursday and stay tuned for some more stories! Toodles!


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