Hello Friday!

I am officially on day 5 of my Tova Be Toning It Up Challenge. I am doing well but I would be lying if I didn't say it has been hard. This morning I did some exercises and tonight, around 9:00, I will go for another 5k run. I went last night and it was actually a fabulous run despite the Arctic wind. By the end I am usually so kaput that I don't even notice that I have lost fingers to frost bite. I usually do notice that I can't breathe though.

The Kid had a long therapy session yesterday. His consultant lives in Budapest and comes once a month to check his progress with the tutors. She is great and he seemed happy and a little smug. It is genetic. The next month will focus on more learned playing as well as trying out a computer app. He shows no interest in online stuff which is obviously not genetic. I luvs the Interwebs. We are hoping this helps him communicate a little bit better. The idea is to take pictures of things around the apartment and then using the app, he can tell us what he wants. I wonder if there is a way to take a picture of him wanting to kick me in the spleen at 5 a.m. when he crawls into our bed. If they created an app for adults (namely me) there would have to be a picture describing my mood as "I don't know why I am angry today: could be hunger, could be Weltschmerz, could be just the fact that I have no clue why but I will make your life miserable, dear Husband". Yes, there could be a market for this.

After talking to the Kid's therapists and wishing them a great weekend, I made myself a quick and healthiesh dinner. I then decided to take the Kid out for a walk because he was still bouncing off of the walls. It was freezing and windy but he was happy to be out. He even ran a few times: not sure if it was out of fear or for fun. We walked around the neighbourhood for about 45 minutes and then went home to warm up. He had some toast and then watched cartoons. I finished up a little craft project and then when the Husband got home later, I went for a run. It was a great run! A fantastic run! And I am definitely getting faster. Calm your tits, I am not fast, just slightly faster. I will have to add some length to my normal run now and that is exciting and also terrifying. After my run, I took a shower, watched some Columbo and then did my ab exercises which brought out a lot of swearing on my side. Amusement on the Husband's side. Oh the pain!

By 10, I was exhausted and I crawled into bed and dreamed of cheese. Today after work I will meet my dear friend D.K. for a quick drink and then run to the Beaver Brewing Company for the Autism in Vienna Beacon Beach House parent night. I can't stay too long and I am debating if I should eat something there or eat at home. Pros to eating there? Good food. Cons? Good food, many calories. We will see how I feel after a couple of glasses of wine. Tonight I will have to go for another run and face those blasted ab exercises. Otherwise this weekend will be filled with some hot yoga, more running, a Science March (I will attempt to bring the Kid) and on Sunday, a meeting at the Film Casino for a possibly very exciting event in July. Also on Sunday, I will be posting my blog recap of this first week of the Tova Be Toning It Up Challenge. I have been updating it daily so it won't be a short post. Make a cup of coffee, grab a blanket, curl up, read about my struggles. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! Next week I will actually be meeting up with more people! Yay! I took a bit of a hiatus (6 days) from going out which pros: less drinking, cons: less drinking, fewer fun stories. I needed to recharge a little and with this terrible weather, all I wanted to do was hibernate. I am sorry, April. It's you, not me. Next year I am going to book a trip to somewhere sunny because you be all kinds of cray cray.

And last story before I bring the Kid to kindergarten, I am very excited about a possible meeting when I am in Ottawa in May. I asked my parents to set up an appointment with a VIP who is familiar with autism in Canada. I am very very excited about this meeting and I promised my mother I would not wear lucite heels, a mini jean skirt and a white t-shirt and black bra. Apparently only Erin Brokovich can be Erin Brokovich. Crushing my dreams, Mother! But thank you, parents for setting it up! It is always great to get a different perspective on autism around the world and it is very important for me to continue to be vocal about this. I am still campaigning for money for the Beacon Beach House so that we can finally open a centre and of course, to continue to spread awareness and hopefully, finally, get some government support. There are a few projects in the works but of course, waiting for e-mails from people in this country is.. well... I don't want to talk about it. But let's just say that frustration plays a big part in it. I love you Austria but let's speed things up. Andale andale! If you haven't figured it out yet, I am incredibly impatient. And that's another thing.. 5 days of fitness and I am not thin yet? WHAT THE HELL? I jest. Kind of. So again, have an amazing weekend! Toodles!


  1. The seasonal salad is good at BBC....but so is the bacon burger!

  2. This was great to read, thank you.


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