How to be a Perfect Mother - The Early Years
This is a satire piece that I really enjoyed writing. Being a mom nowadays is tough. I'm not saying that previous generations haven't struggled with motherhood, but with the dawn of the Internet, there is a lot of constant pressure. Stay at home mom? You aren't a feminist. Working mom? Why did you have a child if you aren't going to spend all day with them. Co-sleeping? Your child is screwed. Sleeping on their own from birth? Your child is screwed. You lost the baby weight and fit into a size 2? So vain. You haven't lost the baby weight and sweat pants love you? What kind of example are you setting for your child? Post a lot of pictures of your child on Facebook? A little too obsessive mommy. Don't post pictures of your child on Facebook? Odd, paranoid mommy. You literally cannot win as far as the Internet goes. I have been blasted in the past for lots of things and while it isn't fun, I am growing a thicker skin. I truly think that a perfect mother is one w...