Hello Weekend!

Hello Friday evening! Just cooking some dinner and waiting for the Kid to be brought back home from the In Laws. I just came back from visiting a dear friend and her family. I drank her wine and we caught up and FUN! The Husband and I survived the Kid's unplanned week off and as of Monday, back to normal! The good news is we finally got a normal night's sleep last night. Sure, he somehow ended up in our bed but if I don't wake up from him kicking or screaming, I don't care. The exciting news that I posted about last night on FB, the Kid loves BACON! I made myself some slices and when I turned my back, the bugger had taken a piece and ate it. And I was so incredibly proud because for a child with autism to attempt to eat something new is HUGE! And then I was sad because he wanted all my bacon. The sacrifices we make. He seems to be experimenting more and more with food and that is exciting. Just on Wednesday night he had some of my pizza crust (this is normal for him) but when I walked into his room, I thought he had bled out but instead had stolen a whole piece of pizza from the fridge. After I woke up from the initial terror, I high fived him.

I took Thursday morning off of work so that I could bring the Kid to therapy. He was a riot and even though he can't speak, he makes me laugh. Our therapist is going on maternity leave and we are starting a new programme in September with our fabulous psychology student and two ABA therapists. I cannot wait to get started and might I add that the Kid has re-learned the word "NEIN" and oh wow how he uses it ALL THE TIME! It's like living with a three foot tall Emo. "Raphael. Go back to your bed." "NEIN!" "Raphael. Time to turn off the cartoons." "NEIN!" We went through this stage 3 years ago and now it is back. Meh, at least he has one word back.

So in other news, I continue on with the Halloween party planning. Yes, I know it is August but I love Halloween and the planning is everything to me. I like summer, but Fall is when I am most energetic and full of spunk (and in retrospect, that sentence sounds incredibly dirty). Cooler days and the smell of wood smoke is what a pumpkin spice latte is to basic girls. Actually, I am pretty basic because I do like an old pumpkin spice latte once in a while. I am trying to figure out my Halloween costume and I hate how I always just end up throwing something on an hour before the party starts and being like "Rawr, I'm dead!" So the planning starts now and I will have to start buying fabric pronto. I am also making a large voodoo doll pillow because FUN! On Wednesday night I watched a little of the TV show Sleepy Hollow and what I would like to know is how that Horseman sees without a head. He is very good at depth perception and severing heads so there must be eyes somewhere? This bothers me. I want to know the truth!

On Saturday I am going to a friend's birthday party. It is a 1971 theme and I have a dress that I will wear for it. I just have to figure out my hair and put on blue eye shadow. The first part of the party is at the Ritz Carlton on the rooftop terrace and dressed the way I am, they will probably stop me in the lobby and be all like "I am sorry. No chubby prostitutes allowed." After drinks we are heading to another hotel for dinner and I am very much looking forward to the whole party and for all the side eye we will be getting. There are just a few days left in August and I need to finish up some things before the real madness starts. September is going to be pretty crazy: already have planned another therapy networking evening for Autism in Vienna as well as a seminar on ABA therapy. She works hard for NO money so you better treat her right. Ha. I am also celebrating the over 800 Autism in Vienna page likes. It's amazing to see so many people engaged on the page and hopefully in a couple of weeks I will have a website and a logo and an actual registered company. Gah! It's time for me to slowly end this post. I have done no running this week because I have a bit of a health scare happening that I am overthinking and yet ignoring at the same time. If it does not go away soon, I will be going to the doctor and then getting some blood work done. Stupid body and its stupid need for attention. I wish you all a fantastic weekend and stay tuned for a post about the 1971 party and most likely pictures that will be highly filtered that I will post on Instagram! Happy Friday!


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