A Weekend Away Ahead and Dis and Dat

This afternoon the Husband and I are going away for the weekend. It has been over a year since we have done a trip sans child and I am very much looking forward to rekindling our love for silence and watching whatever the hell we want to watch. No Paw Patrol! No Blaze! No dumb ass Dora and her stupid ass monkey, Boots! Huzzah! We are catching a train and heading to Puchberg am Schneeberg: a mountain region just 80 kilometers from Vienna. It has been a while since I have seen the mountains and I cannot wait! While the sea is my lover, the mountains are my coffee shop flirts. It has been a long time since I have seen them and I cannot wait to breathe in that mountain air. And yes, I am bringing sensible shoes with me... unlike the time I brought heels to go camping. We should arrive around 3 in the afternoon and the first thing I do when I get into a hotel room is turn on the TV. I like to know what my options are.

The weekend deal includes breakfast and dinner. I kind of hate it when the breakfast is included because I will go into a panic if I miss it. This Jew ain't missing a free meal. The Husband gets incredibly grumpy because I will be fully clothed by 7, sitting in a chair, staring silently to make him get up. Sometimes I have gone alone but there are very few things that terrify me more than going up to a buffet by myself. Don't ask why. I just don't like it. I hope we get some tennis in, some walking and some good old fashioned TV watching. We both really really really need the break after the shiteous past week and thank goodness the Mother in Law is willing to babysit. This will be my last relaxing weekend before I go, excuse my French, balls to the wall next week. I am setting up the Verein sometime in the next week or two, finalizing and translating the business plan and then it is time to send off the proposals asking for the monies.

I mentioned on Tuesday that I had an awkward meeting but also something amazing happened during all of the awkwardness. Sometimes there are just those moments in your life when you suddenly realize that one single conversation will lead to something so absolutely amazing and your life is about to change forever. I had had a rough week and that fateful meeting kicked me out of my misery. I don't often get the blues and definitely not for as long as I did last week. I was feeling a lot of Weltschmerz and actually, funny enough, felt incredibly lonely. I have great friends and family but I don't always verbalize that sometimes I just need a hug and a pat on the head. But why am I expecting other people to read my mind? I think that sometimes people read into me contacting them more than it actually is, I really just like hanging out with people who make me laugh..my closest friends know this about me and accept me for who I am (and I thank you my lovelies for that!). The men and women that I am close with are incredibly protective of me (I am sensitive) and I need to remind myself of that and if somebody doesn't like me... tough titties... because I am fabulous (kind of). My advice to my older sister when she started a new school (she was 12 and I was 5) was to just follow people around until they talk to you. Wise words younger me. But this doesn't always work in the adult world. There are these things called restraining orders. Heh. Anyway, apologies to anybody who felt I was "virtually" following them around...and I am not talking about the stalking I do on the side- those people don't know me or even read my blog so don't worry. I'm back on track and too busy to follow people around at this point and make them like me.

I am also incredibly lucky to work with people who are also my dear friends. You need co-workers who make fun of you and bring you down... keep you grounded. At least this is what they tell me every time I explode into their offices with great news. I could literally win the Nobel Peace Prize and at least a couple of them would be all like "Hey! Shithead! I can see your underwear through your dress! HAhahaha! MORON!" Bless. You guys keep my young! Last night me and a friend dropped by to see a friend and her adorable 6 week old twinses and her toddler son. Her parents are currently in town and it was great to hang out with them as well. Wine was consumed. Cheese was inhaled and I got home just after 9 where I proceeded to pack. At one point the Husband said "Do you have something to wear for dinner instead of just workout clothes?" and I looked at him like he lost his mind. It's like he doesn't even know me! Like I don't have something to wear for dinner?!!? Ball dress too much? Maybe? Well, a few more hours to go and then we are off. I have been up since 3:30 a.m. because the Kid was a child possessed again last night. He screamed and yelled and then suddenly a light bulb went off. Last year exactly around this time he did the same thing: growing pains! Oh Hallelujah! Of course I will miss the little bugger these two nights that we are away but I really need to sleep. I wish you all a fantabulous weekend! You can check out my pictures of the trip on Instagram (@tmspatz) or as always on my Facebook wall. No doubt I will be Maria Von Trapping the crap out of these hills. Happy Weekend!


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