Did My Hair

I am no stranger to the different hair colours. I have done them all. I was a redhead for most of high school. Did brown and black in college. And then sported blonde off and on. The past year I have shown restraint and haven't gone too loco with my hair. I call that maturity... or the fear that my hair might finally say "Fuck this, I am out."

Last night in a fit of boredom and too much fangirling of Lucy Hale, I headed to the bathroom and dyed my hair a dark brown. It looks alright and it really brings out the blue in my one blue eye and the swampiness of my one green eye. Yep, even my eyes don't match. Genetic lottery was not on my side. I got dressed this morning, took a mirror selfie and then put on my sunglasses and realized I looked exactly like this guy.

Little sidenote: Gary Oldman was so hot in this film. Even with the weird hair boobs. Might have been his accent, or the fact that he had some great real estate. Sigh. Tonight the Husband is out and I am going to watch Eurotrip. Now, this film is ridiculous and I kind of love it for that exact reason. I watched it just before I moved to Europe and laughed so hard that I made my sister have some cocktails and watch it with me. For being such a dumb film, it does have some epic one liners and there are some laugh out loud scenes. I never claimed to be an intellectual. I wonder if it has held up and I cannot wait to put it on, have a glass of wine and wonder what I would look like with pink hair, again.

Today my friend L.D. suggested I try podcasts. Now, I have toyed with the idea of videos before but that seems like a lot of work; hair, make up, proper lighting, vaseline on the lens, a body double... but a podcast seems perfect. I have spent the last few hours thinking about what I could do... I think I will do a Sunday wrap up but we will have to see. There might be wine involved... and as one friend suggested; helium... so many options. I will do a couple of practice runs over the next few days and see if it works. I mean, I find myself hilarious so I might not be the best judge. If or when I air it, be kind. I recently heard my voice on the radio when I was interviewed by FM4. I was talking about autism and it was a serious interview and yet I still managed to sneak in the word "Ass" so these podcasts could just lead to a lot of swearing and maniacal laughter. I also just found out that I am being interviewed on Saturday for an online journal. It has nothing to do with autism but rather with Canadian politics. I am seriously screwed because my knowledge of Canadian politics involves an old copy of a McClean's magazine and trick or treating at 24 Sussex when Mulroney was still Prime Minister. Oh and I think Justin Trudeau's hot. Yup. Screwed. And the interview is going to be taped which means I will never ever watch it. I turn into Jabba the minute a video camera turns my way. Like my chin gives birth to multiples and suddenly my clothes shrink and make me look like a busted can of Pilsbury crescents. No bueno.

So, yes, I am freaking out a little bit. Why do you ask? I wish you all a fantastic evening!! Toodles!


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