Supernatural and a Baby!

What a beautiful sunshiney day! I am exhausted and feeling sick again but I am in a fabulous mood. I would be in an even better mood if the Kid did not have a fit last night at 3 in the morning. It has been a while and I hate hate hate when they happen. He suddenly screamed in the middle of the night and came running into our room. He pushed us away and threw things and I had to wrap him in a blanket and sit on him for about 20 minutes until he came back. I have described his fits before and every time they break my heart. He turns into a thing possessed and we just have to ride it out. He was also coughing so I told the Husband to open the windows. And then I said "Close the windows!!" because the last thing we needed was the police showing up and asking if we were torturing our child. Our neighbour downstairs just came back after her winter jaunt and we also didn't need her knocking at our door this morning. This is what happens when you brag about how awesome your kid has been sleeping. Lesson learned.

It's like the first year of having a kid. The smugness is strong and you think you have it all figured out and you actually try and give advice to people with older kids and then the little buggers start walking and developing a will and suddenly you are a lot less smug. And I apologize to any parent with older kids I tried to "edumacate" on anything to do with parenting back when the Kid had the movement of a sloth and the personality of a celery stick. So very sorry. I had no idea. Yesterday the Kid had a random fever in the morning which sent me into a bit of tailspin. He was sick all week and was on the mend and then BOOM! another fever. I was about to go to Hot Yoga and now I am wondering if he has some 6th sense when it comes to Mommy wanting me-time. He's like "Ok, immune system, let's kick it up a notch. And this time with tears and snot! Action!" He is obviously fine today and this morning he pushed me out of bed to get him milk and I got mad at him and for the first time in a long time, he actually tried to apologize in his own way. He crawled into my lap and snuggled and hugged me and I couldn't help but melt.

Yesterday I was having a bit of a moment. I know based on my blog stats that people read my blog but sometimes I feel like maybe I am being a bit obnoxious assuming that people want to actually read it. I briefly considered maybe taking a break from blogging because maybe it has run its course and I wonder if people would actually even care. Yes, it was an obnoxious, self-pitying moment. I know. And then, like an awesome Hollywood moment, I got a message from a mom with an autistic child who thanked me for writing about my life and I cried. So even if just one person enjoys this blog, I will keep on going (flattery is everything). And I will try and not be a diva with an ego that needs to be constantly stroked. It's so hard. So very hard.

Speaking of signs.. and bear with me because I have a witness in all of this... I got another crazy one last night. I was in the kitchen and heard a large crash. I immediately assumed the Kid broke something expensive that I love and I came running out. So did the Husband. Turns out (and the Kid was nowhere in the same area) a painting given to me by my oldest friend, came crashing down. It broke a vase but the painting was fine. I turned to the Husband was like "Her baby! I need to write her!" And I sent her a pm and shortly thereafter, I found out that her little baby girl had been born. Now the Husband is giving me total side eye. I am so happy for her and so excited to meet baby L! Looks like I will be planning a trip to Barcelona soon! Now I ask all other paintings in the apartment to stay put and maybe signs can come in the form of a forgotten bottle of wine in the pantry. That works for me.

So I wish you all a great Easter Monday. I hope I start to feel better and that tonight the Kid actually sleeps through the night. I promise to never brag again about his awesome sleeping habits. Fool me once. Happy Monday!


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