Poutine Party and Beating a Cold

'Sup Tuesday? It is good to be back in the land of the living. I was pretty much out the last 2 days fighting a cold. The Kid was sick last week and kept coughing into my face. I was sure I could fight it but it got me in the end. Friday was my half off day because the Kid was still home sick. In the afternoon, I met a friend for lunch and we went to Cafe Wirr and then stopped at Pure Living Bakery for dessert. I didn't realize that Pure Living Bakery is currently getting blasted for their no-stroller policy. Not touching that debate at.all. Anyway, after a slice of vegan chocolate cake and a soy latte, I headed to my friend's place to watch some reality TV. We sat on her bed and I thanked her for making this a great half day off by fulfilling my need to veg and watch the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.

At 4, I got up and headed to Yoga Loft to sweat out the chocolate cake and soy latte and boy do I regret those food choices. After hot yoga, I headed home, took a shower and then promptly passed out. Saturday morning I went to another class and then the Kid and I had the whole afternoon to ourselves. I don't know what he was hopped up on but he was WILD! He brought a painting crashing to the floor, knocked a TV over, and scattered folded laundry around the apartment. I decided to take him on a walk around the neighbourhood which he always love. And he is strapped into his stroller so the chance of him taking off are slim. Eventually we will attempt the walk without the stroller but I will have to look into a leash... maybe. After a 90 minute walk, we returned and I had hoped he had calmed down but I was wrong. I spent 4 more hours running after him and tried to do my make up for an evening out. When the Husband returned, I practically tossed the Kid at him and yelled "HAVE FUN!" and walked to my friend's place. She lives about a 10-15 minute walk away and I got there a little early.

She invited me a few weeks back to come and have some poutine with some Canadians. For months, a friend and I have been searching desperately for cheese curds for the House of Canada and we have had no luck. But luckily a friend of mine had a couple of curd mules to bring her some back. I was so EXCITED! Clad in plaid and too much make up, I poured myself some white wine and introduced myself to a few Canadians I hadn't met yet. A couple of American friends were also invited and it was pretty hilarious to see them see the cultural difference between Americans and Canadians. What was especially funny was to finally be at a party where Canadians were in the majority. Usually I am at a party with either mostly Brits, Austrians or Americans and I get the whole "Hey, do you know my friend Bob? He lives in Canada!" so this was refreshing.

We also realized that Americans call Rice Krispie Squares, Rice Krispie Treats.. and when you have had a lot of wine, your mind is blown. We ate poutine, hot dogs, tarte au sucre (that gave me the diabetes) and Rice Krispie Squares. We listened to Leonard Cohen and high fived through out the night. It was a pretty epic evening. And I realized how awesome we are as Canadians. We are a pretty damn happy bunch of people. Unless we talk hockey. Otherwise, we are all pretty easy going. By 12:30, I started feeling tired so I put on my coat and bade my friends a good night and walked home. I was exhausted and almost fell asleep en route. The next morning, the Husband let me sleep in until 9 which means that I was sick. I sadly had to miss a brunch I had been invited to and I ended up napping on and off during the day which I hate to do. The Kid was sweet as pie seeing as the day before he had been wild. On Monday morning, I woke up and realized that I was still unable to put on a bra so I called in sick. I spent most of the day in bed and felt sorry for myself. It's been a few months since I have been sick and the funny thing is that right now, I am not really stressed. But I think that is what happens after a particularly crazy and stressful time: your body sees you taking it easy and says "SHUT HER DOWN, BOYS!" So obviously the moral of the story is is to never take it easy and just keep pushing myself. Right?

Last night I had some insomnia and woke up around 1 a.m. No matter how many times I tried to lull myself to sleep by imaging fantasy situations that involve book deals, yachts and attractive strangers, I was unable to fall asleep. So I started singing the song Informer but using the word Insomnia instead and it was epic. I should have written it down. Finally around 3:30, I was able to fall asleep again and surprisingly I feel o.k. this morning. What is in this nose spray? Tonight I am going to Mosaique which is a monthly event that my friend invited me to a few months ago. I have been twice (always with different themes) and I kind of love it. Some of it is over my head (because I am dumb) but some I get. It's always a great time and this month's theme is Ireland. And if I don't meet an Irishman in a cable knit turtleneck calling me "Lassy", I might be a little sad. Yes, I watch a lot of movies, why do you ask?

I wish you a fantastic day and come by Mosaique tonight if you have time! There are still some tickets available! And if you are an Irishman in a cable knit turtleneck, I'm wearing a blue blouse. Thanks!


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