End of the 30 Day Yoga Challenge and Other Things

Hello everybody! Today is the end of the 30 day yoga challenge! Tonight I will be doing my last session of yoga. Well, not my last one because yup, I am hooked. These 30 days were tough but they taught me a lot and I have definitely seen the benefits of yoga... which is weird considering I never used to be a fan.

I have always been a "If I sweat, it works" kind of girl. And while there is sweating in Yoga (especially in hot yoga) it never seemed to be the type of workout that would take me from Jabba to seeing my own feet. But I was wrong. So very very wrong. 30 days of continuous yoga doing has definitely made a difference. I am definitely more flexible, my upper body strength is stronger, my balance has improved and I am a lot less jiggly. Sure, I am not super-take-off-my-shirt-toned but I am getting there. Don't worry... even if I get there, the shirt stays on. Another incredible benefit I have noticed is that I am definitely a lot more zen... Well, most of the time.

This morning I was supposed to do a session of hot yoga but I got home late last night and I decided more sleep would be a good thing. And then this led to a fight with the Husband and it is mostly my fault. And that is what I mean by still haven't reached complete zen-dom. And I will get to the fight in a minute but first... let's talk about last night! I have eclectic taste in music: classical, blues, jazz, salsa, swing and pretty much anything a 13 year old girl would like. I don't have a favourite band or singer because I like to have a range of songs and I am quite fond of the Youtube 90's playlist whenever I feel like wondering where my youth went.

Last night, after a long-ass day at work, I ran to Il Sestante to meet a friend for dinner. I had an incredible Bufalina pizza that I am totally paying for today. We had some wine and then we headed to Chelsea Club to watch a co-worker's brother perform with his band Gingerpig. I have never been to Chelsea and I wasn't sure what to expect... but I am pretty sure they were not expecting me. I arrived in a tailored black wool coat with gold buttons, a green leather tote and a green pashmina. Yeah, I did not blend. But everybody was very kind. The concert started and even though it is not my type of music, I could appreciate the talent. I left shortly after 10 and worried that I might have permanently damaged my inner ears. SO LOUD! It was a fun night and I definitely enjoyed being out of my comfort zone...

So this morning, instead of going to hot yoga as I had planned, I crawled back into bed and snuggled under the covers and told the Husband that I was going to stay home for a couple of hours and catch up on my sleep. I assumed that since it is Tuesday, that the Husband would be taking the Kid to kindergarten. I assumed wrong. The Kid woke up around 7 and crawled into bed and took my blanket and I took it back and it became a bit of a game which was hilarious. The Husband got up and started to get ready and I dozed off and on. The Kid jumped onto the bed a couple of times and then watched some cartoons and then came back and repeat. At 8:15, I decided to check my phone and there was a message from the Husband "Thanks for taking him to kindergarten. Hope you have a nice day!" I looked at it for a few seconds in confusion. And then I jumped out of bed and the Kid thought this was awesome and I walked out into the hallway and called out to the Husband. No response. I checked the kitchen and the living room. Nope. Not there. And then I realized he had left for work and yes, I am not proud, but I lost it.

I called him and asked where he was and he said "I am on my way to work." and well, let's just say I didn't say very nice things. He turned around and came back and took the Kid to daycare and I was stroppy and annoyed and yes, he received an apology e-mail. Next time I will be clearer that FOR ONCE I WANT TO SLEEP IN AND NOT GET UP AT THE CRACK OF DAWN, KAPICHE?!?! Namaste. So there you have it. The end of a great challenge but not the end of yoga for me. I decided today that sometimes instead of taking a lunch break and eating pita bread and reading Blind Gossip about celebrities, I will instead shut my office door and do some yoga. Eating wise the past week I haven't been great but a friend and I have decided to re-start tomorrow and cheer each other on. I am also going to start meal planning again because I find that keeps me so much more accountable. Have a wonderful evening everybody and catch you on the flip side! Namaste, motherlovers!


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