February Re-Cap, Weight Loss and Hello March

Wow! Already March, and the weather is AWFUL today! I am sitting on my sofa, drinking my coffee and huddled under 3 blankets, trying to ignore the terrible wind outside. Gah! I want a day in bed! February was quite a month and here are the highlights.

Office Twin and My Joint Bday Party: oh what fun that was! Again, thank you for all of the wonderful presents and to everybody who came. I also cannot believe the cake actually happened... in that I actually baked a cake and looked awesome and stuff.

The Mike Lake event: This was an incredible evening and it was definitely a huge highlight for me. It was incredible to have him in Vienna and to take the time on his holiday to come and speak. It was inspiring and definitely helped propel me to work even harder on opening a center.

My birthday: Which had been preceded by a crazy night out at a Blues bar. There were presents, and Unicorn heads and pizza and then I went to bed at 8 which was amazing.

Nights out: There were a few nights out: one at der Fuchs und die Trauben and another at Beaver Brewing Company. Dinner at Fratellis and at Danieli's and Da Peppino and Cantinetta La Norma (I ate a lot of pizza. I am a terrible vegan) and then a staff party and then a champagne night. There were after work drinks and some gin and tonics and Zweigelt.

Meetings: I had a meeting at an Autism center (in German and I almost screamed) and then I had my first session of finance coaching. So exciting! And a little grueling.

It has definitely been a busy month and my day job has involved more hours than usual so I am looking forward to having some "down" time this month. Well, not down down time. This month has actually been quite spectacular in terms of health and fitness. Which is weird considering that February is usually my month to discover a new way to melt cheese. For the most part I have been sticking to a vegan diet. I hate to admit this, but I feel pretty darn spectacular not eating the meat and cheese. My stomach issues have cleared up (not on days that I have had pizza, mind you) and I have a lot more energy. I guess I will continue this route with the caveat that when I am out, and there are no decent vegan options, I will eat dairy. Lots of dairy. Otherwise, onwards and upwards. Speaking of eating, at the beginning of February, a friend and I decided to start our own food diaries. I was tired of all the bad eating I was doing and so we wrote down what we ate everyday. I also added calorie counts. The interesting thing is that the food diary actually helped keep me accountable. I also averaged about 1500 calories a day. Yes, there were a couple of days I went for gold but otherwise, I showed some restraint.

And I guess this is a long way of saying that in one month I lost 4.5 kilos (about 10 pounds) and that is pretty great! I still have a lot more to lose but I am focusing on eating cleaner and continuing my 30 day yoga challenge. I don't think I have felt this good in a long time so something is working. Or maybe I have just pickled myself with gin and tonics .... I have started a new food diary for March and I hope this time I can see fewer Oreos (yes, they are vegan) and more salad written down. My original plans for this evening just changed so I will be having some wine with a friend and then going for a spicy Asian meal with another friend later. When I get home I will do day 16 of yoga and then I will sleep the sleep of champions.

So February was a pretty good month. I also got to meet an aunt I had never met and I feel like I accomplished a lot in terms of the autism center. Sadly, I lost my uncle. It was a shock. Rest in peace Uncle Fred, you were loved by so many. I didn't write much about this tragedy because sometimes (surprisingly) I keep some things quiet. March will be bringing some more nights out: poutine, an Irish themed concert, cocktails, editorial meetings, etc. And I will be interviewed for a radio show that will air April 2nd. Soon I will talk about that because I am ridiculously excited to hear my voice on the air. It kind of is like the voice of the Nanny, so you might want to turn down the volume.

It is time for me to put on the face spackle and get dressed. I wish you all a fantastic Tuesday! And a great beginning to the month! (Sidenote: I write most of my blog first thing in the morning and then sometimes have to edit some things when I get a minute during the day so sometimes timelines seem a little off. I have no editor or proofreader so there can be confusion. Just thought I would throw that out there if you were ever confused. Glad we cleared that up. Everything is going to be ok.). Ta ta!


  1. 'Which is weird considering that February is usually my month to discover a new way to melt cheese.'

    Haha, I heart this! I have 10 kg to lose after a bereavement and a lot of upheaval these past two (eek, two already!) years. I started swimming a week or so ago and trying to cut out the mindless comfort eating. I already have to avoid cow's milk, sheep's milk, gluten (woah, since when did you become my personal nutritionist and life coach? I do love a bit of detail..) so you'd think I'd be thin, eh, the amount of cream cakes I say no to through gritted teeth?! I'm definitely going to start a food diary. And the swimming makes me feel so zen, not just fitter - this has inspired me to keep at it :) x

  2. Hi Laura! So sorry for your loss! I find that my emotions are so tied to my eating! The food diary really helped me this past month and I will continue it for a while! Good luck!!! And thanks for commenting!!


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