Sick Kid and Making T-Shirts

Since my plans changed yesterday, I ended up meeting a friend for drinks and then met another friend for dinner at Li's Cooking in Naschmarkt. Wine was had and for dinner I had spring rolls and vegetable Pho with fried tofu. Who knew that I kind of love tofu now? WHAT IS HAPPENING!?!

If I start smelling like patchouli, you have permission to intervene and/or slap me. Anyway, I got home around 8:30 yesterday evening and the Kid started to cough like a champion. We sent him yesterday to kindergarten because we are assholes. No, he was totally fine but obviously he gave into the God of Colds and since last night, he has been hacking up a lung. He had a fever last night around 9 and also this morning. He got out of bed at 7 and crawled into our bed and proceeded to cough in my face. Thanks, Kid. I chased him around to get some cough syrup into him and then he retired to the sofa. A little while later he decided to throw up Exorcist style and I sent the Husband a text "He's fine. I'm not." I cleaned him and me up and then gave him some good old fashioned Merican style painkillers. A few minutes later he threw that up and I cried a little. Just a little.

I've said it before, but when your kid is sick, you feel like the most helpless waste of space. I waited and then bribed him with a piece of chocolate to take another sip of the purple stuff. Luckily the painkillers set in around 10 because he suddenly got his appetite back and started trying to jump off the dining room table... while still coughing up a lung. I put up the heat, put the humidifier on "high" and hopefully he will be feeling better tomorrow.

The Nanny came this afternoon for a couple of hours so I could run some errands and quickly see a friend I haven't seen in a couple of months. Bless her for not saying I smelled like vomit and looked like I  had been beaten with sticks by a pack of wolves. I then headed home and snuggled with the Kid, did some more laundry, so much laundry. Fingers crossed he sleeps well tonight. I am going to get another session of yoga in and then take a shower and watch some TV with the Husband, silently resenting him because tomorrow he will be staying home with the Kid and no doubt there will be zero vomit. Speaking of yoga, the other day I picked up a bleach pen and found an old t-shirt and decided to try and make a logo'd t-shirt. I adore saying Namaste Motherlovers because I am irreverent and so I made dis.

It was the first prototype and I am going to start and try and make some more with different fonts. The above font is "freehand" and a little messy. I sent the Husband a template to print out and I am going to laminate it and cut it out and see what it looks like. I will be giving one away to some lucky (or not) reader so stay tuned for that! And if peeps like them, I am going to start selling them to help fund stuff like a website for the autism center. So I wish you all a fabulous evening. Happy Wednesday!


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