Just Another Awesome Vienna Night

Hello Friday night! How goes it? I am a little exhausted and a little euphoric because last night was another spectacular random Vienna night. I love this city for so many reasons but one of my favourite reasons is that nights out often turn out to be spectacularly different from what I expect. Before talking about last night, let's start with the Kid. Since Tuesday, the Kid has been very sick. On Wednesday the Husband texted me that the Kid's fever was at 39.2 and of course I went into panic mode. I ran home and found the Kid acting happy as a clam on Tylenol. But we were ALL HANDS ON DECK especially since he is susceptible to febrile seizures. Speaking of which, today is the one year anniversary of his seizure which led to us spending a week in the hospital. That night was the worst night of my life and I still cry when I think about it and reach for bread. And I am so grateful that the Kid is o.k. Because of the Kid's high fever on Wednesday, I missed Bikram and stress ate. And I had planned to go Thursday morning but in the morning, the Kid was still a little feverish so I stayed by his bed for a couple of hours with a mirror under his nose because Jewish mom.
The Kid is doing much better today and is finally fever free so I feel a lot better. He is still coughing like an old man but he has been running around and turning on taps which is awesome. So now I can really feel like I can relax and let loose at the Science Ball tomorrow. Speaking of which, last night I attended Nein Quarterly's presentation. He is the special guest of honour of the ball and has traveled from New York to attend. After work yesterday, I headed to the center and stopped at Bijou Brigitte to look at some bling for the ball. Since the dress is asymmetrical, I am not wearing a necklace so I knew I needed to get some big big earrings. I found a pair that are absolutely perfect and I will have to be super careful lest I hug someone and somehow attach to them like a burr or me to a glass of wine. Good times. After my purchase, I walked to Schottentor to meet my friend L.P. for a quick drink. She was interested in atttending the presentation of Eric Jarosinski, a.k.a. Nein Quarterly and so we met at Das Kolin before the event. We ate and I knocked back some prosecco because I am smarter when I drink. And funnier. And thinner. I am just fabulous...pass me the bottle.

Office Twin also decided to grace us with his presence and we quickly paid the bill and ran to the University where the presentation was taking place. We showed up a few minutes late (heart attack inducing for me since I AM NEVER LATE) and greeted my friend who told me he had reserved some seats up at the front for us which of course thrilled the elitist in me. We walked up to the front and sat down and I tried to pull my dress down lower because I had a run in my tights and I looked a little to up from the flo up. Of course there was a TV camera there that kept panning over us and I cursed myself for not wearing pants.The presentation started and it was laugh out loud funny. I had seen Eric speak back in the Fall and I struggled with some of the subject matter because I had not had a drink before and I was dumb. I even private messaged a friend in New York "WHO IS KARL KRAUSS!?!?!" This time I was able to follow along and I felt smart smug which is a dangerous state for me to be in. My friend B.B. was also there and she asked me if I was joining for dinner after the presentation and I was like "What dinner?" and she said "I told you about it a few weeks ago." and then I went "Ooooohhhh. CRAP! I didn't realize it was tonight!" and I realized I had two extra guests and I felt like a real jerk. But it was not a problem and they were invited too and all was well in my angsty world. And the evening turned out to be a ton of fun!

After the hilarious presentation, I bought Nein Quarterly's book and then we headed to Roten Bären which is a bar across the street. My friend B.B. reserved a table and we waited outside until the people at our table paid and left. I asked if the place was a Communist place because, well, it is called the Red Bear. Two young men overheard me and snorted and said "Um, no." Yeah, well I beg to differ because our waiter was dressed like a Russian sailor and the place was super eclectic and I am kind of in love this place. We took our seats, ordered drinks and then O.L. and Eric Jarosinski joined us. It was a fun fun night and of course I made some stupid remarks because it is what I do when faced with spending time with highly intelligent people. I even said something like "I'm the Austrian Kim Kardashian." which makes absolutely no sense because I don't think I have made a sex tape and I definitely have not named my child after a direction. I was definitely on a roll and I have to thank Eric for not face palming every time I opened my mouth.

The evening went on longer than I expected and just after midnight, a cab was hailed and I made my way home. It was a fabulous evening and I cannot wait for the ball tomorrow. I will head to Bikram in the morning with the hope of losing 30 pounds and then I will put on my dress for a test run to make sure I don't end up flashing 1,000 students. At 3 my friend B.B. and a make up artist are coming over and Moet will be opened and pizza ordered and we will get ready. We are attending the reception before the ball and there will be some fascinating people there which means I will be in my element to say idiotic things. I'm ready! Have a fabulous night and stay tuned for random Instagram posts, Tweets and Facebook statuses throughout the night. #Sciball #Tovaisafatprincess #Mydressfellapart. Nighty night!


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