Dis and Dat

Sup sup Saturday night? This is has been and will continue to be a quiet weekend which is great, because things are going to start to get a whole lot busier in the next week. And while I am not really jetlagged, I am tired. The last couple of days the Kid hasn't been sleeping well but I think that has to do with him being back at kindergarten after a 2 week break. Last night I got up at 3 after I heard him babbling to himself and found him standing on his bed, with his laundry basket and three toy trucks. I have no idea what was going on there.

Also, just as I was about to fall asleep last night, I heard a thump at the window. The Husband got up and looked out the window and I said "What happened?!" and he said "Somebody threw a snowball." and then he added "Same thing happened the other night." Well, once is an accident, twice is WAR! I threw the covers off and stood at the window like a sentry for at least an hour, convinced we were being targeted.

Alas, nobody showed their cowardly faces but when they do... it's go time. So, yes, I am tired. This morning I decided to get back in the saddle and go Spinning. Wow, am I out of shape. But I am glad I went and even though I feel like I need to sit on a donut pillow, I am looking forward to going again next Saturday. After Spinning, I headed home and the Husband and I took down the Christmas tree and the Christmas decorations. We had a mini argument when he told me that the tree didn't fit back in the box and I insisted that it did and then he took out the measuring tape as a visual aid and then I lifted the large part of the tree and put it in the box and shoved it down and that is how you maturely deal with strife. Well, hey, at least I didn't book a trip to Cape Town. Progress!

At 2, the Kid's therapist came by with the psychology student and the Kid decided to go banana shit crazy making the session a bit of a waste of time. But the good news is that I was able to show them the plans for the autism session and I am a little bit proud. I was able to finish up the rough draft and I am super excited! Hopefully I will have another meeting in a week or two to discuss funding. I am currently debating whether to make this a business or a "Verein" and there are pros and cons to both so stay tuned for that internal argument. Tomorrow I am going to do a little sewing, hopefully get a run in and donate the 4 bags of clothes I removed from my closet. I posted some clothes that I hope to sell and then I will finally have lots and lots of space again... for more clothes.... but 1960s clothes because as I wrote the other day, I am changing my look.

As I wrote on Facebook, I was super super proud this morning because the Kid used a fork today. I was all sorts of excited and The Husband was like "Oh yeah, he did that while you were away." Say what now? Dammit! But I am so excited and hopeful this means more and more changes in the year ahead. Speaking of changes, I am on day 5 of veganism and I am feeling pretty good. I have had a lot of digestion issues and I have found that when I cut out dairy and meat, I feel a lot better. Will I be a vegan for ever and always? Probably not. But I am going to try and stick to it until the 29th and then see how to proceed. And if the added benefit of veganism is dropping a couple of pounds, I might just convert. So it is time for me to watch some TV on the sofa and do my nails and then set up surveillance to see if the snowball thrower will be back. Exciting night!


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